Chapter 439
The corners of Leng Yichen's mouth curled up slightly, his starry eyes were cold: "So what if you dare to discriminate against my wife, seek death, and kill all the people in the world? How can you stand up to me?" His tone was arrogant and condescending, with an air of disdain for the world .

He is not a kind person, no one else has the right to bully him, and no one dares to provoke him.What's more, he dared to discriminate against his loved one and court death.

So, so what if he killed, who can say anything, who dares to say anything.

Lan Zihan hadn't spoken since just now, listening to their conversation and Leng Yichen's words, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

She had always been curious why the world would give Leng Yichen the title of bloodthirsty prince again, but now it was clear that he said what he said, and what he wanted to do was never just for fun.

He said so what if he killed all the people in the world, hehe, yes, whoever in the world dares to say more, who has the ability to resist.

She doesn't dislike what he did, nor is she a kind person, she has killed countless people, and her hands are covered with blood, so what right does she have to say about others.

Moreover, the law of the jungle is unchanging.
She really damn likes Leng Yichen, so much.

Lan Zihan looked at Yue Yexie, and said in a cold tone, "If you want Yue Zhuo to belong to Tianchen earlier, I think Chen has no objections."

The meaning is obvious, if you don't want your country anymore, then Leng Yichen can get it at any time.

It's like if you don't want your house anymore, then just demolish it.

It was very casual and easy to say, but it didn't make people feel that she was joking.

At the same time, he also expressed his position and told Yue Yexie very clearly that it is none of my business that you like me, but if you want to disturb us, then, sorry, how come you are so tough? They will not show mercy.

Yue Yexie looked at Lan Zihan, narrowed her eyes slightly, and said with a wicked smile, "You really love him so much?" He didn't understand, and was always puzzled.

I don't understand why she can do this for Leng Yichen, accompany him on the battlefield, accompany him in dangerous places, and defend him like this.

"I love Leng Yichen." Lan Zihan said in a deep voice, and then her phoenix eyes suddenly turned cold, her eyes were cold: "However, what does this have to do with you? If the Moon Emperor has nothing to do, please go back, and I won't send you away soon." , go back to your moon as soon as possible, this place is not suitable for you."

She loves Leng Yichen, there is no doubt about it, she and him are a whole, one cannot be separated.

However, she doesn't like others to explore her affairs, and she doesn't like people to provoke Leng Yichen. She can feel that Leng Yichen was very angry just now.

She doesn't like it, she doesn't like that feeling, she wants to see a happy Leng Yichen, not a cold and bloodthirsty him, like a killing god, without any extra warmth to speak of.

She protects her weaknesses, extremely, and Leng Yichen is the person she loves the most. In this world, only she can bully Leng Yichen, don't even think about the rest.

Otherwise, the consequences are unbearable for them.
When Leng Yichen heard the five words Lan Zihan said, his heart trembled violently, followed by ecstasy.He had never heard Lan Zihan say that he loved him. He thought that they had a perfect understanding and deep feelings, and those ordinary words could be ignored directly.

But now that he heard it, he realized that speaking and not speaking were two completely different mentalities.

His chest was throbbing, it was his little one's place.

(End of this chapter)

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