The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 448 Complicated thoughts

Chapter 448 Complicated thoughts

"We still have something to do, let's go first, so I won't disturb you." Leng Luoyan and Li Shang said in a tacit understanding.

After speaking, they looked at each other, and Qiqi ran out of the hall.

Lan Zihan stroked her chin with her small hand, looked at the two people's distant figures, and murmured: "Could it be that this is the potential? Running so fast, next time you train people, you should try this kind of thing."

Leng Yichen's starry eyes were smiling, and the look of pampering in his eyes remained undiminished, his little guy became more and more interesting.

After Mo Wuchen tidied up the medical box, he left the hall. There was nothing for him here.

"Little guy, this is a matter between them, we don't need to worry about it." Leng Yichen said softly with his arms around Lan Zihan.

He is not interested in other people's affairs, and he will not interfere, it has nothing to do with him.

Qingyue Building.

Yue Yexie went straight back to Qingyue Tower, her face was covered with cloud, and she might explode at any moment.

Chi looked at his master's face and trembled, he was fine when he left in the morning, why did he look like this when he came back now.Could it be that something happened?

Shaking his head, if something happens, the master will solve it by himself.

There is always something wrong with his lifting, what is wrong?

Suddenly remembered, when the master went out early in the morning, the master was with Miss Nangong, so why is the master back now, but Miss Nangong didn't come back?

But he can only think about these questions silently once in his heart, and then wave away these doubts and stop thinking about them.

The master has never allowed others to intervene and intervene in his private affairs. This is his taboo, and as a subordinate, he cannot surpass it.

"Bang." Yue Yexie returned to the room, and slammed the door shut with a loud noise.

He walked to the window, opened the window, and watched the people coming and going on the street, feeling a little restless in his heart.

No one has ever disobeyed him or spoken to him like that.

Did his connivance create her presumptuousness?

Shaking her head, that damned woman, her temperament is so fiery and proud, how could she be afraid of him.

Recalling what she said in my mind, I have been strangers since then, and when we meet again, we are enemies, meeting each other with swords.

Such determination, such coldness, such no trace of nostalgia.

He really hurt her.

He remembered that she didn't know internal energy, she didn't have any internal energy in her body, and on the way to Prince Chen's mansion, she told him that she would teach him internal energy and lightness kung fu when she had time, and she wanted to learn it.

He smiled evilly and readily agreed.

However, in less than half a day, the situation of the matter has undergone an earth-shaking change.

The two people who were still acquainted with each other have now become strangers and have nothing to do with each other.

Why is she so angry?
Thinking of his loss of control, when he stretched out his hand to strangle her neck, her breath suddenly turned cold, her ruthless counterattack, and her ruthless methods, this
It all started to change in that instant.

With a slightly dazed expression, he vaguely remembered that she gave him a chance to kill her by the lake that day, but he strangled her neck, but he didn't do it in the end.

She said that if there was a next time, no matter what, he would make him pay the price.

The blood in her bones is so arrogant, how can she endure his repeated insults and strikes.

He wanted to say that it was because he lost control of his emotions that he strangled her neck without thinking, gave her a heavy blow without thinking, and sent her flying.

Seeing her pale face and the blood-red placket on her chest, he woke up and realized how out of control he was just now.

(End of this chapter)

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