Chapter 452 Stay here for now 3
"En." Leng Yichen responded and then did not speak again, his voice was deep and magnetic.

"Have you had breakfast yet?" Lan Zihan looked at Leng Siqi and chuckled.

"Second sister-in-law, I've used it before." Leng Siqi replied with a smile, the lively and agile aura on her body was very pleasing.

"Third Brother, are you alright? We're leaving." Leng Siqi ran towards Leng Luoyan and asked with a smile.

Today is the day of Ye Xueying's blind date with Lan Zuoxuan, and she came here specially to find Leng Luoyan.

Nangong Xueling looked up at the beautiful figure.
I saw the girl's slender and slender body, fair complexion, flushed cheeks, watery and lively eyes, and a green skirt, which looked extraordinarily dazzling and fresh, like rain hitting green lotus, mist The lonely mountain is indescribably ethereal and light, and the laughing laughter adds an indescribable feeling to people.

She had heard that Tianchen had three princes and one princess, and that woman was called the third brother Leng Luoyan, so it must be the fourth princess.

The members of Leng's family really have their own advantages and disadvantages, and they are all indescribably good-looking and outstanding.

"Well, well, have they set off yet?" Leng Luoyan looked at Leng Siqi and asked with a smile.

If Leng Siqi didn't come, he really forgot about it.

"Well, we've already set off, I know the place, let's go quickly." Leng Siqi's eyes sparkled.

She had already asked about their departure time yesterday, so she counted the time.

"Then let's go." Leng Luoyan got up and said.

"Okay." Leng Siqi said with a smile.

"Luo Yan, where are you going?" Li Shang quickly stopped the two of them.

He had been listening to the conversation between the two of them just now, and he was confused, but he understood the main point. They had something to go, and there was still another group of people with them.They are so anxious, what is the matter?
Urgent matter?It must be impossible, can they still be used in urgent matters?

"It has nothing to do with you, don't follow." Leng Siqi said to Li Shang with a smile, and then pulled Leng Luoyan to walk out of the hall.

This is Ye Xueying's blind date, if too many people go there, it will only spoil the situation, so just bring the right owner.

Leng Luoyan and Leng Siqi quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Cousin, where are they going?" Li Shang looked at Lan Zihan curiously.

He was puzzled for a while, why did those two people go? He knew that they were all troublemakers, so there must be something fun to do, right?

"Want to know?" Lan Zihan looked at Li Shang with a chuckle, hooked her fingers, and signaled him to come over.

Li Shang's eyes lit up, and he hurried over: "Tell me, cousin, what did they do?"

Lan Zihan smiled very comfortably: "I want to know, I will ask them when they come back."

The corner of Li Shang's mouth twitched, he was speechless for a while, and there was a look of resentment on his face.

Too unkind, too unkind, too bullying.

Nangong Xueling chuckled, the expression on Li Shang's face, the typical cute baby face, coupled with the resentful look, haha, it's really joyful no matter how you look at it.

Li Shang glared at Nangong Xueling, and said in a disrespectful manner: "Sturdy girl, you are too unladylike."

If you don't say it, don't say it, hmph, he really wants to wait for Leng Luoyan and the others to come back before asking.

That kid, dare to hide something fun, let's see how he will deal with him when he comes back.

Nangong Xueling drank a glass of wine and said calmly, "I'm not a lady in the first place."

She, Nangong Xueling, never knew the word lady, she was not her fan.

(End of this chapter)

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