The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 457 Xue Xuan Blind Date 5

Chapter 457 Xue Xuan Blind Date 5
Bullying her doesn't know martial arts, right?Bullying her is not easy, is it?
Her third brother is too tasteless to ignore her, she is angry
On the big boat ahead, Ye Xueying was still laughing and discussing something with Lan Zuoxuan, the atmosphere was very harmonious.

She suddenly heard a woman's voice of disapproval from behind, her eyes lit up, it was Siqi's voice, maybe she came here too.

She turned around and looked, just at this moment, Leng Luoyan arrived on their boat.

"Why are you here?" Ye Xueying looked at Leng Luoyan who had no expression on her face, and said in a deep voice.

Why is he here?She heard Siqi's voice just now, could it be that Siqi was with him.

Her eyes glanced at him, and she really saw the woman who was bouncing around on the boat.

The corners of her lips hooked slightly, Siqi was still so cute.

"This king is here to visit the lake with Siqi." Leng Luoyan said in a deep voice.

The implication is that I met you by chance.

This was the first time he saw Ye Xueying after he had been away for several months.

"Oh, you left Si Qi behind, how did you become an older brother." Ye Xueying frowned and said very bluntly.

She heard Leng Siqi's cry just now, although it was not very clear, she could hear it roughly.

"You don't need to worry about this, I'm just kidding around with Shi Qi, she will come over soon." Leng Luo said with a smile, very casually.

Now hearing Ye Xueying mention it, he realized how out of control he was just now.

How could he come to this boat suddenly?

Damn it, he's really bewitched.

She didn't seem to have changed at all, she was still so innocent, and she was still so spunky.

It was completely different from what he had seen just now.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Lan Zuoxuan, the eldest son of the Prime Minister's Mansion." Ye Xueying curled her lips, then smiled, pointed at Lan Zuoxuan and introduced to Leng Luoyan.

"This king met him once." Leng Luoyan said bluntly.

This damn woman had never had a good face in front of him, as if he had done something wrong to her in his previous life.

In front of a man whom he met for the first time, he could smile without reservation.

"Well, I've seen it before, King Luo." Lan Zuoxuan chuckled lightly, and said lightly.

He seemed to see that the King Luo's attitude towards him was not very good, was it because of the woman beside him?

He didn't feel it was funny in his heart, just now at the moment when Ye Xueying turned her head, he saw the flash of joy and unrestrained affection in Ye Xueying's eyes.

Although it disappeared extremely quickly, he caught it.

It is clear in my heart that these two must have some relationship, but I really can't tell it from the way they get along.

"Why is Mr. Lan free to come and play today?" Leng Luoyan looked at Lan Zuoxuan and asked.

There was no big emotional change on his face.

I thought to myself, don't you like to visit the world, why haven't you left yet?

As far as he knew, he had been here for several months when he came back this time.

When he left for the Blood Palace, he was already in Tianchen, and now that he has returned, he still hasn't left.

"Well, I have no plans to leave Tianchen yet. My father is not in good health, so he will stay for a while longer." Lan Zuoxuan smiled.

Lan Jingyang's body is no longer what it used to be. Although he doesn't agree with what he did before, he is also his father, and he has always been very good to him.

(End of this chapter)

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