The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 459 Destruction of the Blind Date 2

Chapter 459 Destruction of the Blind Date 2
She didn't know where they went, where they were going, who they were looking for, she didn't know.

"It's nothing interesting. I came here today just to swim in the lake, not to talk about unimportant things. I don't want this to disturb my mood. I think Mr. Lan is the same." Leng Luoyan expressed the impatience on his face. Throw it away, and said with a smile.

He will not reveal the inside story, he has to wait and see the good show, that day will not be too late.

"Well, how about going inside for a drink?" Lan Zuoxuan smiled slightly, and didn't dwell on that topic anymore.

If it comes, it will be safe. It is a blessing or a disaster. If it is a disaster, you can't avoid it. What should come will always come.

"Okay, that's exactly what I mean." Leng Luoyan smiled casually.

He came here today to see their blind date, and now that everyone is here, naturally he can't leave.

At this moment, a woman's voice came from behind, with a little anger.

"Third brother, you didn't wait for me." Leng Siqi jumped off the boat and came to the boat where the three were, and said very unhappy.

Her third brother was so inhuman that he left her behind alone.She watched them talking from behind alone, she was so angry that her teeth were itching, it was hateful.

"Fourth sister, don't mind, I came to see the scenery first." Leng Luoyan squeezed Leng Siqi's cheek, and said with a smile, with a little doting in her eyes.

Leng Siqi is the only woman in their family, so they love her very much.

Although his second brother always had a cold look, but if something happened to one of them, he would definitely get angry.

"Hmph, don't wait for me to watch the scenery, third brother is bullying people." Leng Siqi became arrogant and ignored him.

Look at the scenery, what scenery do you see?She knew that Leng Luoyan didn't like these, so what else could he watch?
If you tell him where there are fun things and food, he will be interested.

"Siqi, don't be angry. Your third brother is not a good person in the first place. Don't be as knowledgeable as this kind of person. Let's go inside and have a few drinks and enjoy the scenery." Ye Xueying smiled at Leng Siqi and said.

She and Leng Siqi almost always play together, she knows how to tease her and make her happy.

Besides, she could tell that Leng Siqi wasn't really angry, she just didn't want to let Leng Luoyan go just like that.

"Okay, okay, let's go, don't pay attention to them." Leng Siqi's eyes sparkled, and she took Ye Xueying's hand and walked towards the bead curtain.

The corner of Ye Xueying's mouth curled into a smile, and she let her pull her in.

Siqi is easy to satisfy and has an easy-going temperament. As long as you are someone she approves of, then she will treat you well.

Her eldest brother is married to Bao.

Lan Zuoxuan looked at the two people who entered, the expression on his face didn't change at all, it was still that elegant and faint smile.

It was a tall and beautiful young girl with flying clouds combed high in her bun, gentle and soft black hair hanging gracefully behind her head, a pair of slender ears hanging down to her neck, swaying dexterously with light steps, Don't be charming.

That jade plate-like face is exquisite, with two curved black eyebrows and a pair of flowing autumn waves, the perfect match, looking forward to brilliance.What is even more amazing is the small and lovely red lips, like cherries, exuding a youthful and lively atmosphere all over her body.

He had heard some things about the fourth princess. As he saw now, she was lively, spiritual, and easy to get along with.

"Let's go in too." Leng Luoyan waved his hand and walked in.

(End of this chapter)

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