The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 475 Emotional Intelligence Is Too Low 4

Chapter 475 Emotional Intelligence Is Too Low 4
"What does it matter? When a woman meets a strange man for the first time, why is she smiling so happily? In front of me, she has never smiled like that before, and she doesn't know how to behave." Leng Luoyan recalled that scene, and said in a deep voice .

That being said, there is no objection to what Li Shang said.

"Luo Yan, don't you think it's funny? It was her blind date with Lan Zuoxuan. They were talking about things over there. Could it be that they still have to be expressionless? Besides, I don't think Miss Ye can pretend to be expressionless." Expression." Li Shang laughed dumbly.

"Also, it was you who went to make trouble for their blind date there. If you didn't go, they might have already talked about it." Li Shang continued to add.

"So what? Shi Qi and I went there to cause trouble." Leng Luoyan replied naturally after listening to Li Shang's statement.

He and Si Qi went to Fengyin Lake to cause trouble, so why would they want to disrupt the situation.

Leng Siqi listened and wept silently.

Third Brother, you were the one who made the trouble alone, and I was left behind by you.

The corner of Li Shang's mouth curled slightly, he drank a cup of tea and continued, "Then you haven't thought about what happened on their boat, what happened to those mutations, and why?"

He has to be calm, yes, he has to be calm, otherwise he will be offended by this person with low EQ.

Leng Luoyan wondered what Li Shang's words meant, and frowned slightly, all he knew was that what happened later was beyond his expectation, it was too sudden, and he didn't know why things would lead to such a situation.

He only remembered that when he saw the intimacy between Ye Xueying and Lan Zuoxuan, and the lively conversation with Lan Zuoxuan, he was just unhappy, very upset.

All of this, he attributed it to the fact that the naughty girl didn't live like that in front of him, she was too indiscreet.

Looking at Leng Luoyan's dazed expression, Li Shang stood up and was about to say something, but a cold female voice suddenly interrupted what he wanted to say.

"Stupid, is this how I taught you?" Lan Zihan and Leng Yichen walked towards each other.

She was taking an afternoon nap, but the whistling noise in the garden woke her up too much. Leng Yichen was going to get angry to find the culprit in the garden, but she stopped her.

She didn't feel sleepy at all, so she got up and came with Leng Yichen.

Who knows, what I saw was such a scene.

Listening to the three people's questioning and seeing Leng Luoyan's dullness, she just felt uneasy.

"Second brother, second sister-in-law." Leng Luoyan heard a female voice behind her, her body trembled, she stood up and turned her head and yelled.

Leng Yichen took Lan Zihan's hand, came to a stone bench and sat down, ignoring Leng Luoyan.

"Are you that stupid? You can't even see this little thing clearly." Lan Zihan sat on the stone bench, looked at Leng Luoyan with her phoenix eyes, and said in a deep voice.

Everyone present could hear the displeasure in the tone.

"Second sister-in-law?" Leng Luoyan looked at Lan Zihan in confusion, but still didn't understand what she meant.

Why do Si Qi, Li Shang, and the second sister-in-law all say this?What did he not understand?
"You like Ye Xueying, it's such a simple thing, why bother you so much, it makes you so puzzling." Lan Zihan glanced at Leng Luoyan displeased, Li Shang and Leng Siqi both reminded him of what he was thinking So obvious, but he didn't know it yet.

If she didn't know his temperament, knew that he didn't have that kind of concept in his heart, and didn't know this kind of emotional matter very well, she would definitely beat him up.

(End of this chapter)

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