The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 508 The Wedding Is Coming 1

Chapter 508 The Wedding Is Coming 1
In this world, only Leng Yichen can rival her and have such a peerless woman.

Nangong Xueling clapped her palms and laughed softly: "Zihan, no matter in modern times or ancient times, you are so outstanding."

What she said was the truth, no matter whether she was in modern times or ancient times, she always rose to prominence and became the overlord of a party. People like her seemed to be born to be leaders.

Mo Wuchen's clear eyes flashed a hint of deep meaning, and the corners of his mouth curled up. He also felt that she was the only strange woman in the world, and there would be no other.

Lan Zihan smiled slightly: "Since everyone thinks it's feasible, then we can arrange it." The remaining time is less than a month, and they don't have much time to chat.

"Well, I see, Second Sister-in-law." Leng Luoyan nodded with a smile, then took the rice paper and left towards the outside of the garden. He wanted to go back and arrange it as soon as possible.

"Xue Ling, are the blueprints for the suit finished?" Lan Zihan raised her eyebrows and looked at Nangong Xueling.

"Well, the painting is finished, I'll take care of things, don't worry." Nangong Xueling nodded, as long as the size of the suit is designed, the rest is not a big deal at all.

Anyway, Leng Luoyan's appearance is also outstanding, so the clothes must be good-looking.

Lan Zihan spread her hands: "I didn't mean that, what I want to say is, design a few more suits, five people will wear them, you can decide the color yourself. And the bridesmaid's dress, give Shi Qi another one Yes, if you want to wear it, you can also design it."

Nangong Xueling was relieved to do things.She wanted Leng Yichen and the others to wear suits. It would be a pity that such handsome guys don't wear modern clothes.

As for why she said five people, it was because there was also Lan Zuoxuan.
Nangong Xueling snapped her fingers: "Leave it to me, no problem."

It's a good idea, let them wear it too, it will be eye-catching no matter how you look at it.

Several people are clothes hangers, and they must look good in modern clothes.

"Do you want a bridesmaid dress too?" Nangong Xueling looked at Lan Zihan and asked.

Lan Zihan shook her head: "I don't like to wear that kind of clothes, besides, I can't wear them like this now." She has never worn those dresses and skirts in modern times, and she has to go on missions every time. It's not convenient for her.

Besides, she is pregnant now, so she should not wear tight clothes.

Nangong Xueling smiled cheerfully: "Yes, I see." How could she have forgotten Lan Zihan's current situation.

In the following days, everyone was busy, only Leng Yichen and Lan Zihan were still so leisurely.

Luo Wang's mansion was busy and lively, on the contrary, the general's mansion was quiet.

"Xueying, won't you get bored staying in the mansion all day? Let's go out for a stroll." Leng Siqi looked at Ye Xueying and said with a smile.

The wedding day is approaching, the third brother and the others are very busy, so the bride is quite leisurely.

"No, Siqi, I don't want to go out." Ye Xueying said lightly with a smile on her lips.

Since half a month ago, Leng Luoyan went to the General's Mansion less and less frequently, and she didn't know what he was busy with.Every time we met, we chatted for a while and then separated.

She just felt empty in her heart.

"Xueying, do you have something on your mind?" Leng Siqi looked at Ye Xueying's unhappy expression and asked softly.

(End of this chapter)

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