The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 512 The Great Wedding Is Coming 3

Chapter 512 The Great Wedding Is Coming 3
Although it was his first time wearing this suit, he fell in love with it at the first sight, and it felt really good on him.It's nice to change up the style every once in a while.

It turns out that people in Lan Zihan and the others' world dress like this. I have to say, it's very novel, and it's far from here. It's hard to describe it together. The two styles are very different.

Lan Zihan raised her eyebrows: "As long as you like it, it's really suitable for you." Even if modern people wear suits to compare with them, I'm afraid they can't compare.

Leng Yichen looked at the black suit on his body, his expression didn't change, he just looked at Lan Zihan with his eyes, and asked in a deep voice, "Does it look good?"

What he usually wears is a habitual black suit, which has not changed much from now, only a different style, which he can accept.

Besides, he also thought the suit felt good, and there was nothing he didn't like about it.

Lan Zihan stepped forward, adjusted Leng Yichen's suit, and said with a smile, "You are the prettiest, you are outstanding." What she said was true, in her opinion, Leng Yichen was indeed the prettiest in a suit One of them, the temperament on that body is incomparable to others.

A king is a king wherever he is, and his temperament is as usual. Just one look can shock you.

Leng Yichen pursed his lips slightly, and a smile rose in his eyes, very satisfied with her comment.

"Fourth sister, what kind of clothes are these?" The only strange person present was Lan Zuoxuan, he had never seen this kind of clothes before, never before.

It feels even more strange to wear it now, but he doesn't hate it either.

Lan Zihan turned to look at Lan Zuoxuan and raised her eyebrows: "This is specially designed for you, isn't it?" She didn't say the origin of the dress, because it was not necessary, and she knew that Lan Zuoxuan would not pursue it bottom question.

Lan Zuoxuan smiled softly: "Well, yes, it's very novel." He just found it strange and didn't have any other thoughts, so naturally he didn't ask any more questions.

All he knew was that there always seemed to be new things and novel and funny pictures in Lan Zihan's place, and the people around her were all very nice, which was something that others couldn't do.

"It's getting late, Luo Yan, it's time to pick up your bride." Lan Zihan looked at Leng Luoyan with a playful look in her eyes.

Today, he has lost the youthfulness and laughter of the past, and has become very calm and a little mature man's charm, and he seems to have grown a lot.

"Yes, Luo Yan, if you don't want to pick me up, I don't mind doing it for you. After all, I am so helpful and kind." Li Shang also said jokingly.

Ye Feiyu shook his head and laughed, this person is always so funny.

"Second sister-in-law, I'm going." Leng Luoyan ignored Li Shang, looked at Lan Zihan and said in a deep voice.

Today is different from the past, he is not in the mood to joke, all he thinks about is Ye Xueying.

"Go." Lan Zihan waved his hand, indicating that he could go.

Leng Luoyan and Ye Feiyu bid farewell to the crowd, and then set off for the General's Mansion.

Ye Feiyu is Ye Xueying's eldest brother, so he wanted to marry her off, so he rushed to the general's mansion first.

"Is the emperor still in the future?" Lan Zihan looked up at Leng Yichen.

Leng Yufeng and Xia Yiyu have not been seen yet.

"On the way, sister-in-law Huang's body is not suitable for speeding up the journey, she will be here soon." Leng Yichen said in a deep voice.

Since the accident with Xia Yiyu's body three months ago, his brother has been extra careful, fearing that there will be another accident.

(End of this chapter)

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