The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 514 The Great Wedding Is Coming 5

Chapter 514 The Great Wedding Is Coming 5
He once asked Ye Xueying why the wedding dress hadn't been delivered yet, and Ye Xueying said that it would be delivered on the day of the wedding, everything was ready, so there was no need to worry.

Although Leng Luoyan likes to play around, he is also a man of measure. Besides, Ye Feiyu and the others are not in a hurry.

However, looking at their clothes now, I am really surprised.

Not only Ye Xueying and Ye Feiyu were dressed strangely, but even the woman in blue and Leng Siqi beside Leng Luoyan and Xueying who were waiting outside the mansion were like this. Their clothes were very novel.

"Father, this is specially designed by the second sister-in-law and Miss Nangong for Xueying and the others. It's very unique." Leng Siqi said with a smile.

The clothes she was wearing were also designed by Nangong Xueling, and she liked them very much.

"Well, unique." Ye Fenglin looked around the three of them, and when he saw that both arms of the woman in blue were exposed, he frowned slightly, but didn't say anything.

This is what other people wear, and he has no right to say anything.

When Nangong Xueling noticed that Ye Fenglin frowned slightly, a smile flashed across his eyes, but he didn't say anything.

She knew that her clothes today would definitely attract criticism, but so what?
She can wear what she likes, no matter what other people do.

Ye Feiyu looked at Leng Siqi's goose-yellow long dress, her arms were also covered by goose-yellow mesh chiffon sleeves, the makeup on her face was different from usual, her smooth snowy skin was amazingly beautiful, her figure was light and refined Elegant.

Today they are very different, and one thing that is undeniable is that they are special.

"Father, it's time to go. Luo Yan is waiting outside the house." Ye Feiyu chuckled softly, reminding them.

"Okay, let's go." Ye Fenglin took Ye Xueying's hand and walked outside.

Today is the day of his daughter's wedding, so don't delay the auspicious time.

Leng Siqi also ran to Ye Feiyu's side, took his arm, and said with a smile: "Feiyu, let's go too."

"Okay." Ye Feiyu smiled fondly, took her hand and followed.

Nangong Xueling smiled and followed.

Outside the general's mansion, there were lights and festoons, and red lanterns were hung high, surrounded by people.

Leng Luoyan waited outside the mansion, keeping his eyes on the situation inside the mansion, waiting for his bride.

Finally, a few figures gradually appeared, walking towards the outside of the mansion.

Leng Luoyan's eyes were all focused on the person in the snow-white wedding dress, with clear and bright pupils, curved willow eyebrows, long eyelashes trembling slightly, a touch of pink on her fair and flawless skin, and thin lips. Lustrous and glossy, her jet-black hair is all pulled up, a white veil is tied on her head, her long eyelashes are flickering like two small brushes, her eyes are dazzlingly beautiful and her big eyes are palpitating , Abnormally agile and energetic.

He stepped forward and walked towards Ye Xueying, the joy in his heart was replaced by softness, his Xueying was so beautiful, so agile, like a playful fairy.

Ye Xueying looked at Leng Luoyan's focused and affectionate eyes, and smiled.This smile dazzled Leng Luoyan's eyes even more.

"Father-in-law, I'm here to pick up Xueying." Leng Luoyan put away the emotion in his eyes, turned to look at Ye Fenglin, and said in a deep voice.

He knows what Ye Fenglin has done to Feiyu and Xueying over the years, and he knows how much he loves them, so he respects him and also respects him.

(End of this chapter)

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