The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 516 The Great Wedding Is Coming 7

Chapter 516 The Great Wedding Is Coming 7
"Yes, I like it very much." Ye Xueying's eyes were full of emotion.

A few days ago, she was still thinking about what Leng Luoyan was up to, but when she saw her now, she realized that these were the ingenious weddings he was talking about.

How can a person be so kind and care about her so much.

"Just like it." Leng Luoyan smiled softly, took Ye Xueying's hand, and walked slowly thinking of the end.

He has been preparing for today for a long time, and he cannot tolerate a single mistake.

As the breeze blows, it lifts the petals on the treetops and the ground, and the golden light shines down. The two of them are bathed in the sea of ​​flowers and the golden light. They are so dazzling, like a couple of gods and immortals.

The surrounding officials were already stunned, and they didn't know how to react. They were all stunned by the scene they saw today, which they had never heard or seen before.

When the two came to the portrait, Li Shang came over, holding a microphone made of petals in his hand, looked at the people in the garden and said: "Today we welcome two newcomers. Great wedding, everyone present here please give them the warmest applause and blessings." The voice used internal strength to spread far away, so everyone present could hear it clearly.

Everyone sitting around the table spontaneously clapped their hands in support.

Although this form is very strange, it is harmless. Just now the second concubine said that they just need to cooperate.

"Well, very good, it seems that everyone likes this couple very much." Li Shang watched everyone's reaction and nodded with a smile.

In my heart, I muttered, this host is really interesting.

Nangong Xueling leaned against the big tree, and couldn't help slandering: "This person is really pissed off, I would have gone up if I knew it, and I won't give him the host position."

Haven't gotten to the point yet.

Lan Zihan on the side raised her eyebrows and smiled jokingly: "If I didn't know the truth, I would have thought he was the same kind of person as us." If she hadn't known that Li Shang was an ancient person, listening to his words, she would have thought he was the same person as us. It is worn from modern times.

"That makes sense." Nangong Xueling nodded in agreement, but she didn't ask back.

She also had the same idea. When she taught Li Shang what a host was, she didn't explain it so clearly.Didn't expect him to understand it so well.

"The clothes you designed are fine." Lan Zihan looked at what Nangong Xueling was wearing today. She was wearing a water-blue tight-fitting dress, which perfectly showed her curvy figure, fair skin like snow, and a small and delicate face. , the face has not undergone any modification, what appears to be a kind of natural beauty.

Although the two arms are exposed, the slender legs are indeed not exposed. The skirt of this skirt is very long, which can completely cover the legs, and the whole person reveals a charming style and a little charm.

"Your compliment is very useful." Nangong Xueling smiled and cast a wink at Lan Zihan.

Leng Yichen frowned in displeasure, his eyes swept towards Nangong Xueling, and the danger gradually appeared in those eyes.

Nangong Xueling spread her hands: "Don't get me wrong, pure friendship, pure friendship, haha" She found that this bloodthirsty and ruthless Prince Chen always has a different side when it comes to Lan Zihan's affairs.

Leng Yichen gave Nangong Xueling a cold look, didn't say much, and continued watching the scene on stage with his arms around Lan Zihan.

The corner of Lan Zihan's mouth curled up, but she didn't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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