The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 533 The Other Side of Li Shang

Chapter 533 The Other Side of Li Shang

Soft like water, it soothes people's hearts like gurgling water, and drives away the anger factor and vigilance in the heart.

Although the tigress can't speak, although she doesn't understand human beings, this tigress is obviously spiritual.

It was still a fierce face, but it gradually became dull, and the vigilance in its eyes also slowly let go.

There is no danger in this flute sound, anyone who hears it will feel as relaxed and calm as water, enjoying the tranquility of this moment.

Nangong Xueling looked at such Li Shang from the side, with a soft smile on her face, and the low voice she blew was also so clear and sweet, soothing people's hearts, and feeling a sense of tranquility.

Today's Li Shang is very different from the Li Shang she knows on weekdays.She had never seen these faces before.

Perhaps, Lan Zihan and the others have never seen each other.

It's rare for Li Shang to look serious and angry, but the demeanor around him cannot be ignored.

She always thought that Li Shang's temperament was easy-going and playful, cheerful and lively.Seeing a different side now, there is a sense of shock, but there is no sense of disobedience.

Li Shang opened his eyes, his lips curled up slightly, and walked towards the tigress.

This time the tigress was not hostile to him, but lay quietly on the ground, as if about to fall asleep.

Li Shang squatted down, stroking the tigress' hair with his big hands, listening to her slightly heavy breathing, and the bright red under her body getting more and more, and frowning slightly.

The tigress was badly injured.

"Li Shang, can't we save it?" Nangong Xueling came to Li Shang's side and knelt down and asked.

The tigress in front of her no longer had the ferocity and hostility she saw for the first time, she just lay quietly on the ground. If it weren't for the heavy breathing and the blood-stained hair, no one would have thought it was injured.

She saw the way Li Shang frowned, could this tigress be saved?

Li Shang shook his head: "I can only temporarily stop the bleeding, delay for a while, the injury is too serious, I can't heal it, I must take it back as soon as possible for Wuchen to heal."

His medical skills are not as good as Mo Wuchen's, and he rarely sees medical skills. If it is not for self-protection, he will not study medicine.

I have learned it from others, but the tigress is already angry and her life is hanging by a thread, so he decided to take it back for Mo Wuchen to look at, so he can rest assured.

"Then hurry up and take this tiger with you." Nangong Xueling nodded and said in a deep voice.

Chenwang Mansion, Leng Yichen, Lan Zihan and Mo Wuchen came back after finishing their meal in Luowang Mansion.

Leng Yichen and Mo Wuchen definitely have no interest in having a bridal chamber, and Lan Zihan is pregnant, so she doesn't want to get involved.

As soon as the three of them walked into the hall and sat down, Li Shang's urgent voice came from outside the hall.

"Wuchen, come out."

Mo Wuchen frowned slightly, got up and walked out of the hall.

Lan Zihan raised her eyebrows and looked outside the hall, could it be that something happened to Li Shang and Nangong Xueling?

She knew that the two of them went to Shanlin Zhizhong to look for the tigress, could it be that they were scratched by the tigress?

Shaking his head, he didn't think any more, and got up and walked out of the hall.

Leng Yichen naturally followed her and went out with her in his arms.

When the three of them left the hall, they saw Li Shang and Nangong Xueling walking towards this direction with one holding the tiger's head and the other holding the tiger's body.

"Wuchen, take a look at this tigress, it is seriously injured and must be treated quickly." Li Shang and Nangong Xueling put the tigress on the ground, and said to Mo Wuchen several times.

(End of this chapter)

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