Chapter 535

Li Shang smiled: "Cousin, when did you become so gossip? Besides, can I hide anything from you?" It was the first time he had seen Lan Zihan gossip like this.

He didn't have the intention to tell others what happened to what he said with Nangong Xueling today, he didn't want to.

However, is there anything unusual between him and Nangong Xueling today?Why didn't he see it.

"You are blind." Nangong Xueling smiled casually without any explanation.

What can happen between her and Li Shang is just Li Shang expressing his feelings to her, this is really not something that can be used as a joke.

Lan Zihan spread her hands: "Okay, I'm too tired today, so I'd better go back to my room to rest."

The more calm the two were, the more she felt that there was something tricky in it, but she didn't know what it was.

She is not a person who insists on getting to the bottom of the matter, what is it is what it is, and since they don't want to talk about it, she will not ask again.

Everyone has their own secrets, she and Leng Yichen are an exception, there is no secret between her and him, both of them treat each other honestly.However, that was limited to her and Leng Yichen.

"Go, I'm also tired today, and I have to wash up and catch up on sleep." Lan Zihan didn't say it was okay, but when it came to this, Nangong Xueling really felt a little sleepy.

I got up too early today and didn't get enough sleep. It's time to go back and catch up on sleep.

Leng Yichen hugged Lan Zihan and walked towards the corridor, not long after, he disappeared from everyone's sight.

Li Shang stood up and stretched his waist: "I'm going to catch up on sleep too." After speaking, he headed towards another corridor.

Not to mention Nangong Xueling, even he felt a little tired, it was time to take a good rest.

Nangong Xueling smiled at Mo Wuchen: "I'm leaving too, you can do whatever you want." After speaking, she waved her hand and left the place.

Outside the hall, Mo Wuchen was left alone in a daze.

He raised his head and looked at the blue sky with his eyes that were floating like a fairy. The weather is fine today, why Li Shang is a little weird, but he can't tell the specifics.

Both he and Li Shang grew up in the blood palace, and they often played together when they were children, so they know his character very well.

The current Li Shang is a little different from the morning Li Shang, and after thinking about what Lan Zihan and Leng Siqi said in the morning, it became clear.

Luowang Mansion was brightly lit, red lanterns were hung high, red ribbons were everywhere, and there was a festive atmosphere everywhere.

In the room, red gauze curtains, red quilts, red mandarin duck pillows, everything is red.
Ye Xueying had already taken off the veil on her head at this time, she was only wearing the wedding dress she wore during the day, she was sitting on the bed, playing with the ring in her hand, the corners of her lips were slightly hooked, and her heart felt warm.

Although it was the first time she heard about this ring and saw it for the first time, she liked it very much. There was a feeling of being trapped. She and him could not be separated, they would not be separated.

There was a sound of footsteps outside the door, from far to near, Ye Xueying's heart couldn't help but tense up.

"Squeak..." The door of the room was pushed open by someone, and it was Leng Luoyan in the black suit who came.

Leng Luoyan closed the door, looked at the smart and beautiful woman on the bed, and walked towards her, with the corners of her lips slightly raised: "Xueying, have you been waiting for a long time?"

He drank with the visitors in the hall, and he cared about the beautiful woman, so he came after a few drinks.

(End of this chapter)

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