Chapter 539
She saw that Nangong Xueling was different today, but she didn't know if it was because of Li Shang.

Nangong Xueling smiled: "I also don't think it is credible, but the fact is that we are not together."

She thinks this group of people is really fun, what kind of expressions are they all showing, they are full of suspicion.

She and Li Shang are not together at all, do you want her to say that they are together?

"Li Shang, you haven't answered me do you like Xue Ling?" Leng Luoyan continued the topic just now, since they are not together, there is still an answer to this question.

Li Shang picked up the wine glass and drank it down, said with a smile: "Why are you so curious about my accident?"

He was surprised, they've never been so unanimous before.

Are his affairs really that interesting?
Lan Zihan leaned lazily in Leng Yichen's arms and yawned: "It's not curiosity, it's pure boredom. You know the difference between you today, right? You really like Xueling."

What they said seemed to be that they were just asking casually, and they only became suspicious because they saw the difference between him and Nangong Xueling.

Leng Luoyan nodded, it was still the classic that the second sister-in-law said.

Li Shang smiled: "Well, I like it, so what?" There is nothing you dare not admit, you like it, you like it, and there is nothing to hide or say.

It's not something shameful that he likes Nangong Xueling, so why hide it.

Lan Zihan clapped her palms: "It's bold enough."

The character of the people around her is that they have something to say, they will not beat around the bush with you, they will not play tricks with you, they are all true to themselves.

Listening to what Li Shang said, if you like it, so what.

The charm in it is obvious, Nangong Xueling has not replied to him yet. ,

He likes Nangong Xueling, and it's nothing. The important thing in a relationship is to be happy with each other. It's not that you like someone, and then you can be together.

It depends on whether Nangong Xueling likes Li Shang or not.

If you like it, that's a good thing.If you don't like it, you can just let it go.

Go with the flow, everything depends on them.
"Sister Xueling, do you like Li Shang?" Leng Siqi asked Nangong Xueling curiously, blinking her big eyes.

This is what everyone wants to know, does she like Li Shang?

Nangong Xueling played with the wine glass in her hand, shook her head and said, "I don't know."

She told everyone clearly with three simple words, but she didn't know.

In other words, she didn't know if she liked him or if she had that affection for Li Shang.

Lan Zihan smiled knowingly: "When you see your heart clearly, you can answer us again."

Yes, see your heart clearly.

Whether it was before or now, she couldn't see her heart clearly, and she couldn't see who her heart was tied to.

Or, she doesn't know who she really likes and who she cares about.

Nangong Xueling nodded: "I know."

She knew that she couldn't go on indifferently like that anymore, when Li Shang said she liked him, she couldn't just play it off, and she couldn't deceive him.Therefore, we must think clearly.

Seeing her heart clearly, she never thought about it seriously, never thought about it seriously.

She has never been in love, she doesn't understand that feeling, there is no such thing as emotion in her world, she is as confused as Lan Zihan back then, and she doesn't understand these things.

Ignorant, she is ignorant.

It's like a layer of veil is separated from the heart.There was a fog, and she couldn't see clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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