The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 542 Great Changes in the Imperial Capital 2

Chapter 542 Great Changes in the Imperial Capital 2
Anyone who was disturbed so early probably had the same expression.

"My ministers are waiting to join the emperor." All the officials bowed and saluted, and said respectfully.

"What's the rush, Zhu Aiqing, come to the hall so early." Leng Yufeng looked at the audience and said in a deep voice.

Even if you are unhappy in your heart, you will suppress it.The people in the audience didn't just know him. If there was nothing important, they wouldn't bother him so early.

"My Majesty, I don't know why, many people in the imperial capital became seriously ill overnight. They were bedridden, foaming at the head, and their faces were very ugly. Doctors went to see them, but the results were not good, and the treatment was not good." Ye Fenglin nodded respectfully and said.

He only heard about this matter today. It is really suspicious that so many people in the city were infected with serious illnesses overnight.

Without doubting him, he contacted all the ministers and came to the palace to report.

If this matter is delayed any longer, it may lead to catastrophe.

Leng Yufeng narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked in a deep voice: "Are these people bedridden? What did the doctor say, but did you say why?"
Overnight, most people in the city were seriously ill. This matter is really suspicious.

This matter was too strange, and it came too suddenly, so he had no time to guard against it.

To prescribe the right medicine, we must find the source of the matter.

Ye Fenglin shook his head: "The doctor can't find out, and I don't know the reason. If we don't find a solution to this situation, I'm afraid it will get worse."

If no cure is found, then the whole city will probably die.
He dared not think about it any longer.

Leng Yufeng frowned slightly: "Send an order, let the imperial physicians in the palace go to see those sick patients, those illnesses must be found out, it's not too late, let's go."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Guo Xi replied respectfully from the side, and then quickly ran towards the outside of the hall.

"Did Prince Chen know?" Leng Yufeng asked with a trace of worry on his brows, looking at the audience.

"Reporting to the emperor, the official from Prince Chen's side has sent someone to inform, and must have received the news by now." Ye Fenglin said respectfully with his hands clasped.

Before he came to the palace, he had already sent someone to report to Prince Chen's Mansion, and he should have received the news by now.

"Chen Wang is here." A soft and sharp voice came from outside the hall.
Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, Leng Yichen really came in time.

"My ministers and others are meeting the King of Chen." Everyone in the hall saluted in unison.

"No need to be too polite." Leng Yichen waved his hand, then raised his eyes to look at Leng Yufeng, and asked in a deep voice: "Brother Emperor, take all the water in the palace to check, don't eat it yet."

He received the news from Ye Feiyu early this morning that most of the citizens in the city were infected with serious illnesses overnight. The reason is unknown, and the doctors couldn't find out.

He only asked Ye Feiyu to investigate the riots in the city yesterday, but today they were caught off guard, a sudden illness made them unprepared.

Leng Yufeng frowned, and commanded the maid at the side in a deep voice: "The queen hasn't gotten up yet, remove all the breakfast, don't give it to her yet."

It was still early in the morning, and Xia Yiyu hadn't woken up yet, but who could guarantee that there would be nothing wrong with the breakfast that was delivered.

Listening to Leng Yichen's words, it was obvious to him that there was something strange about the water.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The maid saluted respectfully, and then quickly left the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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