The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 547 The Plague Strikes 2

Chapter 547 The Plague Strikes 2
Lan Zihan shook her head, with seriousness in her eyes, she said in a deep voice, "This is a plague transformed from corpse poison."

Yes, the plague.Only the plague can spread at that speed, be so fast, and have that contagious power.

She looked at the people against the sky and said in a deep voice: "Go and check the vicinity of Fengyin Lake for me. If you find such a situation, dig out the pit and cremate the body. Remember, don't touch that place." dead body, or it will be infected."

This matter is very serious, and there is a corpse here, so there must still be some nearby.

She doesn't have the time to marry and think about who did all of this. She doesn't have the free time yet, so it's important to deal with the current affairs.

Nangong Xueling stopped joking, and her face became serious: "Zihan, will you cure the plague?"

In the 21st century, the plague is also a big virus, which spreads very quickly and has killed many people.

It's easier to talk about in modern times, but in this backward ancient times, how to solve this plague?

Lan Zihan rolled her eyes: "I'm not a doctor, I'm not a medical student, do you think I can solve it?"

She really thought she was omnipotent.

She is just an ordinary person, okay? She is not perfect and knows everything. She has only heard about this plague, but she can't solve it at all.

If she knows poison and medicine, it is because as a mercenary, she needs to have the ability to save herself, okay?

Nangong Xueling touched her nose and muttered a few words: "Damn, if you don't tell me, I really think you are omnipotent."

If Lan Zihan didn't say that sentence, she would really think that she is an almighty person.Knows everything, has seen everything, can reason and deal with everything properly Good looks, good martial arts, good mind, good family, good character.

The corner of his mouth twitched fiercely, damn it, this is an almighty person. 
Lan Zihan stopped joking with her, but turned to look at Mo Wuchen, and asked in a deep voice: "Wuchen, can you cure this disease?"

She doesn't know much about the medical skills of saving people, and she is only proficient in it. Here, Mo Wuchen has the best medical skills, so I can only hope that he will have something to do.

There was a heavy look in Mo Wuchen's eyes, and he nodded: "I will try my best."

Yes, he tried his best, tried his best to research the antidote, and tried his best to save these people.

For those innocent people, but also for her words.

He couldn't bear to please her, so he did his best.

"Well, if you need help or don't understand anything, you can also come to me." Lan Zihan nodded and said in a deep voice.

Although her medical skills are not as superb or powerful as his, but she is from the 21st century, thousands of years ahead of here, and she still understands some knowledge.

It can't be said to be helpful, but she can still give a few words of assistance in a timely manner.

"Okay." Mo Wuchen nodded and smiled, then took some water from the lake and kept it in case he needed to make the antidote.

It is not easy to research the antidote, but as long as he is given time, he can make the antidote.

It's just that I don't know if those people can hold on.

Lan Zihan raised her eyebrows: "It's okay for those poisoned people to persist for a few days." She saw the concern in Mo Wuchen's eyes, and roughly guessed it.


If you get the plague, you won't die immediately, but the disease will get worse once the time is prolonged.

(End of this chapter)

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