Chapter 555 is no longer calm
Surprise and doubt flashed across Ye Feiyu's eyes, but he quickly regained his composure.Although he hasn't checked it yet, he believes that the facts should not be much different from what she said.

The corners of Leng Yichen's lips curled up slightly, but what he said made people feel a chill: "There are not a few people who want to seek death, and I don't mind killing them all."

This incident has already touched his bottom line, dare to make trouble in his Tianchen, and still be so arrogant, who gave them the courage.

He Tianchen, he Leng Yichen is not something others can provoke.

It's because he's so quiet that those people can do whatever they want.

He didn't want to cause a big war so soon when Lan Zihan was pregnant, causing turmoil in the world.

However, he has now changed his mind.

He, Leng Yichen, had never been afraid of anyone before, if he dared to provoke him, he had to be prepared to bear his anger.

It will be a matter of time before the world becomes one, and he doesn't mind that it's ahead of schedule now, he's enough to be passive, it's time to take the initiative.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, he wanted to see how they would withstand his attack.

Ye Feiyu opened his eyes slightly, his face was serious, and he asked in a deep voice, "What do you mean?"

The answer seems to be ready to come out, he has been with Leng Yichen for so long, so he understands him more or less.

Hearing what he said, the guess in the bottom of my heart was already [-]% or [-]% certain.

"Blood washes the world, and Tianchen reigns supreme." Leng Yichen opened his mouth coldly and spit out these eight words.

In the deep and deep eyes are the aura of the king looking down on the world and the domineering arrogance of self-importance, and they are also so bloodthirsty and cold.

Ye Feiyu's eyes flashed such a look that it really did. Even though he already knew the answer, when he heard Leng Yichen say those eight words, he still couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the aura around him.

Lan Zihan looked at the man beside him, with the powerful intimidating force all over her body, the innate aura of a king, the arrogant and confident expression, the corners of her lips curled into a curve.

Her man is still so powerful, he doesn't need to rely on anyone, he doesn't need to rely on anyone, everything is based on his own strength, with his own clever and wise mind, iron-blooded wrist, he wants to conquer the world, Becoming the overlord is a matter of course.

He seemed to be born to be the king who looked down on the world, the overlord who overlooked all living beings.

The world is washed with blood, and Tianchen reigns supreme.

Simple eight words, but everything to be said and to be contained in it.Just eight words, how many bloodbaths will be set off in the future, how many people will be frightened by the news, and how many people will worship and surrender.

Leng Yichen received Lan Zihan's gaze, lowered his head and gave her a doting smile, dazzled everyone's eyes.

Lan Zihan smiled back, the two had already had a perfect understanding, without words, they could understand what each other was thinking and what they wanted to express.

Li Shang whistled: "Cousin-in-law, I am optimistic about you." As Leng Yichen said, the world will be washed with blood, and Tianchen will reign supreme.

In this troubled world, there should be an overlord to rule, it should be unified, it should be unified.

The overlord in front of him finally decided to take the initiative to attack, so there will be no peace in the future.

Nangong Xueling clapped her hands, clapped her hands, and looked at Leng Yichen appreciatively: "I also like you, who will compete with the King Chen once he comes out."

It has been more than half a year since she came to this world, and she already has a full understanding of this world.

The battle between Chen Wang and Xie Wang, the two powerhouses, will start soon, and she can almost see the smoke.

(End of this chapter)

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