The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 557 You and Me Strangers 1

Chapter 557 You and Me Strangers 1
Time flowed slowly, and another half month passed. The imperial capital had returned to calm, and the streets had also returned to the usual hustle and bustle, and there was a lively atmosphere everywhere.

Nangong Xueling was wandering alone in Jiejie Mountain, looking left and right.

She is not a woman who loves shopping, she came out today to buy gifts for the two treasures in Lan Zihan's residence.

In more than two months, the two babies in Lan Zihan's mansion will be born. She has already reserved the position of godmother, so naturally she has to prepare some gifts for them to welcome their birth.

She has never bought gifts or things for anyone, and her own clothes were also tailor-made for her by someone sent by her father. Thinking of this, she felt sore in her heart, and she didn't want to continue shopping. She looked around, Go to a quiet place.

Slightly withered grass, rows of trees, clear river water, the beautiful face is reflected in the river, but the sadness in the eyes is fleeting.

Nangong Xueling sat on the grass, took off her shoes, soaked her two fair feet in the water, and felt a cold feeling spontaneously.

It is late autumn now, and the winter season is about to enter, and the river water feels icy and cold.

Nangong Xueling was sitting by the river, shaking her two little feet, in a daze.

She still hasn't given Li Shang an answer, she hasn't seen her heart clearly, and she's still ignorant.

She didn't know how to solve this matter, she was confused for a moment, and then returned to her original state.

"So free, come here to play in the water." There was a low and evil voice from behind.

Nangong Xueling's body froze slightly, but soon returned to normal. She had already recognized who was coming, and secretly regretted her carelessness. If the bad guy hit her from behind, she would definitely die.

She didn't turn her head back, nor did she answer Yue Yexie, she just ignored him and just shook her little feet on her own.

Yue Yexie looked at her completely ignoring herself. When he acted transparently, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he laughed evilly: "Could it be that I want to revisit the old place and recall our experience here."

He was planning to go to Prince Chen's Mansion, but when he met Nangong Xueling on the street, he temporarily stopped in his tracks.Seeing the fleeting sadness on her face and the back of her turning away, he also followed.

But he didn't expect that what he saw when he came to the stage of enlightenment was the side of such a little woman.

Nangong Xueling frowned slightly, revisiting the old place?What do you mean, what kind of nerves does this person have.

Just when she was about to ask, the scene where she was fighting with Yue Yexie and kissed by Yue Yexie suddenly appeared in her mind, her whole face darkened immediately, and she said in a cold voice, "Do I know you?"

She has nothing to do with Yue Yexie anymore, they are strangers, and have no intersection, so why can he tease her wantonly.

And her so-called revisiting the old place, she just found it funny, she was just in a bad mood and chose a road with few people, this person is really narcissistic enough.

The corners of Yue Yexie's lips curled slightly: "Miss Nangong is really forgetful, you and I have known each other for several months."

Do you know him, hehe, can she really be his stranger?

When we meet again, we will be enemies. When swords meet, who will win the game will depend on their abilities.

It seems to be true as she said, these days when he came to Tianchen, she treated him as a stranger, completely unknown to him.

Swords meet, woman, how much has your martial arts improved these days?

(End of this chapter)

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