The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 563 Murderous Aura Gradually Appears 3

Chapter 563 Murderous Aura Gradually Appears 3
Although he never takes the initiative to take people's lives, he is not a master who allows others to bully him.

Yue Yexie had been displeased for a long time, and today it made the anger in his heart rise, so let's make it clear once.
Jiulan Yunbo once said that once his flute sounds, there are few opponents in the world.

If he has the heart, playing this flute sound on the battlefield is the best effect.
It's just that he was born like Mo Wuchen, he likes a carefree life and doesn't like being trapped by those trivial matters.
He is not Jiulan Yunmo. He does not have that ambition. It can be said that the children who grow up in the blood palace do not have that heart. They all yearn for a free and carefree life. They are all used to this kind of life. What to change.

Yue Yexie knocked off the sharp blade that struck again, and said in a cold voice: "I underestimated you." He admitted that he underestimated Li Shang, and he never thought that Li Shang would be like this at all. unexpected. 
Li Shang smiled coldly: "Underestimate the enemy is the biggest fatal weakness." This is what he learned from Leng Yichen and Lan Zihan.
Don't underestimate anyone, it is very likely that the inconspicuous one will cause a fatal danger.
Yue Yexie's eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of her lips curled up: "It seems that everyone who has stayed with the princess for a long time has been infected by her."
He had heard this sentence from Lan Zihan before. 
He also knew this, he underestimated Li Shang today, so the result was beyond his expectation.
Li Shang snorted coldly: "There is no need to talk nonsense, let's make a quick decision." After speaking, the flute sound from his mouth increased to a higher level again, and the melody became more exciting and high-spirited, and it also made people feel weirder. The sharp blade struck towards the moon night evil. 
Yue Yexie's eyes froze slightly, and he threw the long sword upwards, then tied his hands together, gathered a puff of gas in front of him, and struck towards the crazily coming sharp blade.

Then he shook his big hand upwards to catch the falling long sword, and the figure quickly stepped forward, heading towards Li Shang, like a broken bamboo, irresistible.
Li Shang looked at Yue Yexie coldly, and his figure quickly swept back, the flute playing in his mouth never stopped, and invisible blades struck towards Yue Yexie's direction.
Yue Yexie frowned slightly, brandished his long sword, and thought to himself, going on like this is not the way to go, it will be difficult to tell the winner if you can't go up or down.
Thinking of this, the figure stopped moving forward, floating in mid-air, looked at Li Shang coldly, a sneer smirked at the corner of his mouth, his hands gradually raised, gathering a wave of internal force, and struck towards Li Shang. 
Majestic, menacing, unstoppable. 
A strange color flashed across Li Shang's eyes, his brows were slightly frowned, he put away the flute, and quickly gathered an internal force with his hands, and struck forward.
"Bang..." There was an explosion in the air, and Yue Yexie and Li Shang were each shocked back a step.

A strange color flashed across Yue Yexie's charming eyes, and it was fleeting. He looked at Li Shang and said with a wicked smile, "How are you going to defeat me and protect her?"

The woman in the words was obviously referring to Nangong Xueling.
The two of them come and go, they are equal, if Li Shang doesn't have a flute, he can beat him back. 
Although the sound of the flute is very useful and powerful, it disturbs people's mind and kills people invisible.

But if the flute player loses his flute, the consequences can be imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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