Chapter 569 With a plan 2
There are no permanent friends in this world, they are just using each other.

How can the little Nanman fight against Tianchen? It's purely an egg hitting a stone.Even though they have been hiding for so many years, but Tianchen has Leng Yichen and Lan Zihan sitting in command, it is pure nonsense that they want to take it down.

Therefore, he believed that the group of southern barbarians would agree to cooperate with him.

The corners of the lips are slightly raised, then...

Judging by his current surname, if Leng Yichen wanted to take down Yuezhuo, it would not be difficult.

How can it be better to fight alone than to conspire with others.

The reason why Leng Yichen didn't attack him or Yue Zhuo was because he was worried about something, or because of other reasons.There is no way to know these things, who knows if he will change his mind and attack Yuezhuo.

Therefore, you must be prepared for everything. God cannot always favor you, nor will he have mercy on you.

"Master is wise." After understanding the meaning of his words, after thinking about it carefully, the current form is also relatively safe.

"Go get ready and leave the day after tomorrow." Yue Yexie drank the wine in the cup in one gulp.

If they leave suddenly, it will inevitably surprise Leng Yichen and others, so it's better to talk about it.

"Yes." Chi nodded respectfully and then backed out.

The sun is shining brightly, and the golden light sprinkles on the earth, giving people a kind of warmth.

"Princess, the Moon Emperor is here, waiting outside the mansion." Xi Lei entered the hall, stood beside Leng Yichen respectfully and said.

"Well, let him come in." Leng Yichen said in a deep voice.

He didn't know why Yue Ye Xie came, but it didn't hurt.

"Yes." Xi Lei retreated to the outside of the hall.

Everyone didn't speak, it seemed to be very common, and there was no change in the slightest about the arrival of Yue Yexie.

It didn't take long before the purple robe appeared outside the hall, and then the evil voice sounded: "Prince Chen, my emperor didn't bother you." down.

The corner of Leng Yichen's mouth curled up: "What is the reason for the Moon Emperor's visit? It's not as simple as just visiting the house." He would not believe that Yue Yexie came to the Chen Palace simply for fun.

Yue Ye smiled charmingly: "Chen Wang really understands what I think in my heart, the emperor bids farewell in the next life today."

There was a flash of surprise in Lan Zihan's phoenix eyes, and it was fleeting: "Is the Moon Emperor going back to Yuezhuo?" According to his previous temperament, he would not leave so suddenly.

Furthermore, there was no news of what happened to Yue Chao.

She just wondered why he left so suddenly, and she always felt that the motive was impure.

Yue Yexie leaned on the chair, and smiled evilly: "It's nothing, it's just that after staying in Tianchen for a long time, it's inevitable that I won't get used to it. It seems that people here don't welcome me very much, so it's just right, I need to go back to deal with state affairs A country cannot be without a king for a day, and the emperor has been out for a long time, and those affairs in the court always have to be dealt with."

The answer he gave was ambiguous, and the former really sounded like that.

Li Shang snorted coldly in his heart, but he was self-aware, knowing that no one welcomes him here.

Nangong Xueling is fine, it doesn't matter if she wants to leave or stay.

Leng Yichen's handsome eyebrows raised slightly: "Why is the Moon Emperor so sensible and considerate of the country so much." Although he said so, everyone present could hear the charm in it.

It was also satirizing Yue Yexie only now that he knew that the people here did not welcome his arrival.

(End of this chapter)

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