The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 583 Want to Join Forces 1

Chapter 583 Want to Join Forces 1
It's just that the place of entry is different, and there is no meeting.

He thought that the people in the Nanman were all big and three rough, but he didn't expect that the king here was not like the Nanman at all, which was beyond his expectation.

At first glance, I felt that this man was too wild and unassuming. It was a kind of wild beauty, and the aura around him could not be ignored.He is not simple.

However, these have nothing to do with the purpose of his visit this time, it is better for him to settle things first.

There was a sneer in Yun Qinghong's eyes: "Why do you think I will cooperate with you."

Yue Yexie played with her fingers and smiled: "Just because you have the same opponent and the same purpose as me."

"Haha..." Yun Qinghong laughed out loud, the impoliteness in his tone was so obvious, he stared at Yue Yexie, and said: "After taking Tianchen, you come and join my army. Besides, take Tianchen It's not easy, do you think we can win Tianchen with just the two of us working together?"

Did he really think that Yue Yexie would simply come to cooperate with him? Joke, there is no such thing as an idiot's lunch, you have to pay for what you take away.

Who knows if you will back him up, this kind of intrigue is not uncommon for him.

Furthermore, he also heard rumors from the outside world that the bloodthirsty and powerful God of War King Chen, and the equally cold and powerful second princess, sit guarding Tianchen, and wanting to win Tianchen is not as simple as cutting cabbage.

Although he didn't care much about the new second princess, she was just a woman, but if he wanted to attack Tianchen, he had to think about the consequences.

One wrong move, and the whole game is lost.

"Are you not confident in yourself? Or are you afraid?" Yue Yexie looked at Yun Qinghong provocatively. To deal with such a man, he had to attack from the direction of his character.

He could see that he was wild and unruly, how could such a man tolerate provocation and underestimation from others.

Yun Qinghong snorted coldly: "You think I'm afraid, what a joke." He could hear the provocation in Yue Ye's evil words, but he, Yun Qinghong, was a person who was greedy for life and afraid of death.

"So, what's your conclusion? Do you want to cooperate with me?" Yue Yexie asked.

Yun Qinghong smiled conceitedly: "Tell me your plan." By saying this, it was the cooperation of Yue Yexie who agreed to deal with Tianchen together with him.

The corners of Yue Yexie's lips twitched slightly: "Attack from both sides, tell me how he can deal with Tianchen. The second concubine is pregnant and will be due to give birth soon. It is the best time to choose this opportunity to attack Tianchen."

He, Yue Zhuo, and Nanman attacked from both sides, blocking Tianchen's road, and he only needed to capture the city gate and enter.

Leng Yichen's care and love for Lan Zihan is well known in the world. It is impossible for him not to be distracted when the soldiers are in chaos and the soldiers are approaching the city.

Well, just take advantage of this.

Yun Qinghong clapped his hands: "You know Prince Chen very well."

Yue Ye smiled evilly: "Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle." Knowing your opponent is very important.

Leng Yichen had been listening quietly all the time, and when he heard the conversation between the two, a hint of bloodthirsty flashed across his eyes, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his lips, he wanted to take Tianchen down, didn't he?

Then let's see who bloodbathed whose homeland, and who is slightly better.

His figure slowly disappeared into the palace.

No one found out that he had been here before, and he didn't find out that he heard the conversation between the two of them clearly.

On the other side, Li Shang and Nangong Xueling were separated from the main line, walking more and more remote.

(End of this chapter)

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