Chapter 585
Li Shang looked at the seriousness in her eyes, nodded, and the two of them quietly retreated from the place.

Seemingly in tacit agreement, the four of them returned to the agreed place at the same time.

Nangong Xueling frowned, looked at Leng Yichen and said, "Yue Yexie has also come here, and I found the soldiers he brought and the hidden guards beside him in one place, Chi."

Yue Yexie brought soldiers here, obviously planning something, she had to tell Leng Yichen.

Leng Yichen nodded: "I know." It's just that he didn't expect that Yue Yexie actually brought his soldiers in and hid them here.

"Have you seen him?" Nangong Xueling raised her eyebrows in surprise, she thought they didn't know about it.

Leng Yichen's lips curled up into a sneer: "He has already met the person in power here, and he has also discussed to deal with Tianchen together."

"Damn, insidious." Nangong Xueling cursed softly.

In the current situation, if Yuezhuo and Nanman team up to attack Tianchen, and Tianchen suffers negatively, the consequences...

Fortunately, Leng Yichen found out.

Yue Yexie, can you really ignore everything for the sake of the world?

"There is a secret base in the west. People come and go. It seems to be a place for training people." Ye Feiyu recalled what he had seen. That place should be a training ground.

"Feiyu, tell Xilei and the others to get ready. Also, send a message to Wang Hao to ask her to send someone to pay close attention to Tianchen. If she finds that the Nanman people are dealt with immediately, they don't need to be imprisoned. Those Nanman people in the prison can also And solve it." Leng Yichen ordered in a deep voice.

The words of Yun Qinghong and Te Er sounded in his mind, although he was not very worried, but in order to avoid accidents, it is better to solve it once and for all.

That formation is only effective for those who come in from the outside of the forest, and those inside will not be affected in the slightest when they go out.

"Okay." Ye Feiyu nodded.

"Cousin-in-law, what are you going to do now?" Li Shang asked Leng Yichen.

Now that he knows the plan of Yue Yexie and the ruler of Nanman, how does he plan to deal with it.

"The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole follows." Leng Yichen spit out these eight words coldly.

How could Yue Yexie cooperate with Yun Qinghong so purely? Then, he would definitely adopt other plans. If he wanted to be the final winner, he had to ask him whether he agreed or not.

"You mean to cut off their back, so that they can't move forward, and then attack Yue Zhuo." Li Shang narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Leng Yichen and said in a deep voice.

If so, then the final winner must be him without a doubt.

Even without this change, the final winner would be Leng Yichen.

"Li Shang, take me to the place where the soldiers brought by Yue Yexie are." Leng Yichen's deep and deep eyes showed bloodlust, this time, he will not leave them a retreat.

Be decisive, it's good for everyone.

"Okay." Li Shang nodded.


The sun was shining high in the sky, and the golden light was shining on the earth, as if it was foreshadowing something.

The wind rose, the clouds surged, and the world completely moved.

On the other hand, since Leng Yichen and the others left, Lan Zihan has been staying in the palace with nothing to do, life is really too boring.

Today is the fifth day since Leng Yichen and the others left. She was sleeping on the recliner with a lazy expression. The golden light shone on her body, which seemed to add a ray of brilliance to her, making her brighter and more dazzling.

(End of this chapter)

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