Chapter 589 Her Means 4
Lan Zihan raised her eyebrows, her phoenix eyes stared at him coldly, and said a cold word: "Say."

The man nodded, and hurriedly said: "We came here this time to block the order of our website and come to Tianchen to pretend to cause trouble, but in fact we are actually deployed by Tianchen, waiting for the king to meet us."

"What deployment?" Lan Zihan lie slightly narrowed his eyes.

Leng Luoyan also listened carefully, he also heard about that some time ago, it was the first time in Tianchen's history that such a dangerous disease occurred.

The man continued: "Our king gave us a medicine, we just need to bury it around Tianchen, and we don't need to do anything after that, just wait for the king to lead our Nanman army to arrive."

As if he knew Lan Zihan's impatience, the man said anxiously: "The medicine is colorless and tasteless, as long as people inhale it, they will be poisoned. It is a slow poison, and it will not attack quickly. Time is of the essence, people who smoked in the previous month will not have much trouble, only after three months will the toxin be completely inhaled into the body, and then there will be no cure, even if you are a god of Daluo, you will not escape death .”

"Where is the exact location?" A cold look flashed across Lan Zihan's eyes, making the man dare not look closely at her.

Poisoning under her nose, damn it.

Calculating the time, it is not yet one month since the Nanman people came to Tianchen, but it is not many days away.

"Around every lake, there are flowers we planted. They are pink, and they are all gathered together in pieces. It is easy to find. It looks the same as ordinary flowers, but there are deadly hidden dangers. Dangerous." The man replied truthfully.

"How many people are there in Nanban?" Lan Zihan raised her eyebrows, motioning for him to answer her question.

"I can't say this. I can't betray our king, I can't betray my family, and I can't do anything to hurt them." The man lowered his head and said in a deep voice.

It seemed to him that he said these things were not to be confused with the danger to the Southern barbarians, which were two different things.

But now, he would not say anything about the life and death of everyone in Nanman.

Lan Zihan looked at him coldly: "You are thinking of them."

"It's up to you to kill or cut. I, Tal, have been a member of the Southern Man all my life, and I will never rebel." Tal raised his head and said in a deep voice.

He has already said those things, how can he do things that hurt the Southern barbarians now, he can't do such things.

Lan Zihan sneered, and said disdainfully: "Do you think he will know that you died for your king? It's just a few pawns. He doesn't care about your life or death, and he won't even look at you .”

From the man's narration, he already roughly knew the purpose of the Nanman king.

For this kind of people who do not use any means to achieve their goals, the life and death of their subordinates is nothing, it is just a tool to use, a pawn to sacrifice their lives for him, he will never remember who you are.

Tal shook his head: "No, you are not allowed to slander the king." He didn't believe it, he didn't believe that the king he had always respected would be like this.

Lan Zihan sneered: "I already have the answer in my heart, so why deceive myself." She saw the grief in the man's eyes, the disappointment and despair in his eyes.

The man chuckled: "It's just a pawn." He is just a pawn of the king he respects.

(End of this chapter)

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