The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 597 Praying Mantis Catch Cicada 7

Chapter 597 Praying Mantis Catch Cicada 7
Fei Li frowned, and asked sharply, "Where did they flee to?" Finally, they were about to appear, and Wang really predicted things like a god, and they hadn't left yet.

"Go to the passage, and you can find their traces if you go straight, general, it's not too late." Ye Feiyu lowered his head and said anxiously, his tone was really worried and anxious.

"You stay here, and the rest will follow." Fei Li's eyes flashed brightly, commanding everyone, and then rushed forward.

The large group of people followed his footsteps and headed into the passage.

A smile flashed across Ye Feiyu's eyes, and it disappeared in an instant.

"Wait." Fei Li waved his hand, turned around to look at the two, and said in a cold voice, "Look up." He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't say it.

But the two had kept their heads down since they ran over, and he couldn't see their faces clearly.He knew most of the people in the secret room, and he only needed to look at their appearance to know the truth.

Leng Yichen and Ye Feiyu paused in their hearts, looked at each other, nodded, and the two figures rushed towards the exit together.

"Stop them." Fei Li yelled, his eyes widened, "They are the ones who broke into the secret room." After speaking, the figure also quickly swept forward.

The dozen or so people guarding the exit looked at each other, they all blocked the exit and were ready for battle.

Seeing such a scene, Leng Yichen let out a cold snort, and with both hands he summoned an internal force to strike at the few people who were blocking the exit.

"Bang..." Several people were touched by internal force, and their figures all flew upside down.

"Let's go." Leng Yichen snorted, and his figure quickly swept towards the exit.

Ye Feiyu followed closely behind, and the two figures disappeared into the exit like arrows flying off the string.

"Go and catch them, don't let them escape." Fei Li finally came late, and when they reached the exit, they were already gone, so he couldn't help shouting violently.

He actually let them escape. The king had given an order not to let anyone who broke into the secret room leave, but now he let the enemy escape in front of him. He was really negligent.

"Yes, General." Everyone rushed towards the exit.

Fei Li frowned, turned around and walked towards where Yun Qinghong was.

"My lord, the enemy has already discovered it. However, they were allowed to escape. This subordinate deserves to die." Fei Li came to the room where Yun Qinghong was, bent down and knelt down and put his right hand in front of his left chest and said respectfully.

"Bang." Yun Qinghong slapped his palms, stood up, looked at Fei Li with dark eyes, and shouted coldly: "Didn't I tell you to block the exit a long time ago? What are you doing to eat? let them escape."

Damn, really damn.

What happened tonight caused the anger in his heart to rise, and he had nowhere to vent it.

"It was the subordinate's mistake." Fei Li stiffened and said respectfully.

It was his negligence, his mistake, that gave the enemy a chance to escape, and he was too careless.

"How many people, you can clearly see their appearance and which direction they are going." Yun Qinghong looked at him with gloomy eyes, his appearance was very scary.

"Two people, I don't know their appearance. They both have their heads down and their faces are covered with dust. What is certain is that they are not our people. The subordinates have already sent people to hunt them down." Fei Li shook his head, he didn't know which direction they were going. I went there, but no soldiers have come back to report so far.

He really didn't see what they looked like, and when he realized something was wrong, they had already escaped.

(End of this chapter)

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