The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 607 Praying Mantis Catch Cicada 17

Chapter 607 Praying Mantis Catch Cicada 17
She swung the long whip with one hand, and hit Yun Qinghong's neck, as if she wanted to wrap his neck around him.

However, how could Yun Qinghong let him succeed, he flew up to avoid her long whip, and then his figure quickly swept towards her.
If it was said that he was entangled by her long whip just now, it was only because it was too sudden and he didn't have much defense at all, so she succeeded.

Now, if she still wins him, then Yun Qinghong's majesty and reputation will also be ruined.

Nangong Xueling brandished a long whip to block his figure.

Yun Qinghong sneered, the sarcasm in his eyes flashed away, and the point of the sword aimed at Nangong Xueling's chest.

Nangong Xueling frowned slightly, looking at the sword tip approaching her, the figure retreated quickly.

Suddenly, she felt her body being held by a big hand, and then fell into a warm and firm embrace. She raised her eyes and felt a slight movement in her heart.

Li Shang had been watching the fight between Nangong Xueling and Yun Qinghong, and was about to join the fight at first, but Nangong Xueling told him before leaving that she wanted to practice her martial arts and see how she progressed To what extent, let him not save her when he is not in danger.

Seeing her being suppressed by Yun Qinghong, he could no longer stand on the sidelines and watch the battle calmly. His figure flew up, swept forward to catch her body, and then summoned his internal strength with his big hand, and struck towards Yun Qinghong. At the same time, the body that hugged Nangong Xueling quickly retreated.

The figures of the two were floating in midair, their clothes fluttering, and their exquisite and perfect faces seemed to match.

But at this moment, no one paid attention to this scene.

When the figures of the two fell on the ground, Li Shang let go of Nangong Xueling's hand and said in a low voice: "Leave it to me, you stay here and watch." He didn't want her to be in any danger, so Yun Qinghong Just leave it to him.

Besides, he didn't come to play tonight, and he was part of the wish, so naturally he couldn't watch the battle all the time.

"Okay, be careful yourself." Nangong Xueling smiled and nodded, knowing that she was not Yun Qinghong's opponent, she no longer tried to be brave.

She has seen Li Shang's strength before, if he can tie with Yue Yexie, then it won't be too dangerous to deal with Yun Qinghong.

But, no matter what, you can't be careless.

"I know." Li Shang nodded with a smile in his eyes, then turned his head and stopped looking at her, looking at Yun Qinghong who was floating in mid-air and looking at him with dark eyes, and smiled coldly: "Your opponent is I."

After speaking, the figure flashed and flew up, put the flute in his hand to his mouth, and played the rhythm.

Yun Qinghong looked at him coldly, not knowing who he was, but he knew that he was with Leng Yichen.

He looked at Li Shang with a sneer: "This is a battlefield, not a place to show you the melody." In his opinion, what Li Shang is doing now is really inconsistent with the current situation.

The sneer on his face didn't last for a few seconds, but he froze on the spot, and his face became stiff for a moment.

Frowning tightly, the seriousness in his eyes gradually increased, and his figure quickly dodged to the side.

That is……

Wind blade!

Yes, he was not mistaken, the one who attacked him just now was indeed the wind blade.

Looking at Li Shang who was playing the flute, he finally realized at this moment that killing people with sound is an invisible sharp blade with great attack power.

If he hadn't noticed it quickly, he might have been hit by that sharp blade.

(End of this chapter)

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