The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 609 The Oriole Is Behind 1

Chapter 609 The Oriole Is Behind 1
Yun Qinghong's eyes were violent, and the savagery and wildness were vividly displayed on his body.He didn't know these two people, and Yue Yexie didn't tell him about them.

That woman is not his opponent, but the flute played by that baby-faced man can kill people invisible.He could handle it, but his soldiers from the Nanban couldn't handle it.

This is what he hates the most.

Now he can fully see that the woman in blue is very important to him, otherwise he wouldn't be so impatient, worried and nervous just now.

There was a dangerous look on the corner of his lips, as long as he had a weakness, he would have a way to deal with him.

"Damn it, what kind of eyes are those?" Nangong Xueling felt uncomfortable when she saw Yun Qinghong sizing him up and Li Shang, feeling like a prey being stared at by wolves, very uncomfortable.

When Li Shang watched Yun Qinghong's gaze stop on Nangong Xueling's body, he felt uncomfortable for a while.Anyone who likes a woman who is scrutinized like that by other men will feel depressed and unhappy.

"Bang..." There was a loud noise in the air, and when they looked up, they saw the figures of Leng Yichen and Yue Yexie hanging down quickly.

"Are you okay?" Li Shang asked in a deep voice after watching Leng Yichen fall to the ground.

The loud noise that came from mid-air just now was so obvious, it must have been caused by a full blown blow, but one of the two was injured.

"It's nothing." Leng Yichen shook his head and said in a deep voice, his eyes as dark as ink looked coldly at Yue Yexie: "You lost."

Yue Yexie wiped away a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth, and smiled evilly: "Really, here are all our people, do you think the people you brought can leave safely?"

He already knew that Leng Yichen was not easy to deal with, yes, this was the second time he was injured in a fight with him, damn it.

However, this does not mean that he lost, and the good show is still to come.

Leng Yichen raised his eyebrows: "This king wants to go out, you think you can stop him." He is not a reckless man, he will not barge in like this without preparation.

Knowing that this is the territory of the Nanman, the people who are all Nanman and Yue Yexie still think that they are very powerful.

It's just that he has never acted recklessly and won't defeat the war. What he is best at is the imperial attack.He is wise and strategic, goes to the battlefield, and strategizes. He never does anything he is not sure of.

Yue Yexie clapped his hands: "Then, let me smash your self-confidence severely." As the words fell, there were footsteps all around, from far to near, one by one archers aimed at this side.

"How about it, is Prince Chen still satisfied with the gift that the emperor gave you?" Yue Ye smiled evilly.

If you are more careful, you will find that when the two armies are fighting, they are all from Tianchen and Nanman. None of the soldiers he brought showed up, and his bodyguard, Chi, was not by his side.

Yun Qinghong sneered: "You Tianchen can come in today, but you can't get out." This is a good opportunity to wipe out the army brought by Leng Yichen.

He cooperated with Yue Yexie inside and outside, Nanman's soldiers went out to fight first, followed by Yue Zhuo's soldiers to do logistics, surrounded Tianchen inside and out, even the flies couldn't fly out.

There was no panic or impatience on Leng Yichen's face, he sneered: "It remains to be seen who won't get out, isn't it too early to talk big now."

(End of this chapter)

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