The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 612 The Oriole Is Behind 4

Chapter 612 The Oriole Is Behind 4
This person is really omnipotent. He failed to cooperate with Yue Yexie, so he set his mind on her, which is really ridiculous.

Does she look like a hostage?She is also good at martial arts, okay?

What's annoyed is that he came to surprise her and didn't find out immediately. He was so damn careless.

"You'll know if you try it. You are in my hands, so don't try to play tricks." Yun Qinghong said coldly.

This woman is not the second princess in the legend, he doesn't know if Leng Yichen will come to rescue her, but that baby-faced man will definitely come.

They were all together, and he didn't believe they would abandon her.

"Yun Qinghong, put her down." An angry roar came from behind, Nangong Xueling's body stiffened slightly, and when she looked up, it was not Li Shang who was rushing towards this side with an anxious and gloomy face.

Feeling warm in his heart, suddenly, he took out a dagger from his sleeve and silently pointed it at Yun Qinghong's back, stabbing hard with his big hand.

She cannot be passive, she should be proactive.

Yun Qinghong's eyes were gloomy, and the corners of his lips curled into a sneer, and he really came.

Suddenly, there was a pain in his back, his face turned pale, he pushed Nangong Xueling's body away, and then he grabbed her neck with five fingers forming claws.

"The five claws also want to grab me." Nangong Xueling sneered, flew up, took out a few silver needles from his sleeve, and shot towards his head.

Yun Qinghong leaned towards the back, avoiding the few silver needles that flew towards him.

Nangong Xueling's next attack followed closely behind, flying up, kicking between Yun Qinghong's legs with her thigh.

"Hmm..." Yun Qinghong stood up, seeing her kicking thigh, his eyes widened, and his figure quickly backed away, but he still couldn't completely dodge her attack, so he couldn't help but let out a muffled groan.

The aura on his body sank suddenly, his murderous aura was exposed, his eyes were gloomy and terrifying, with a wave of his sleeve, he rolled up the stones on the ground and hit Nangong Xueling, and then he quickly approached her with five fingers forming claws.

Damn woman, I wanted to use her as bait, but now, he wants her to die.

"Shit!" Nangong Xueling cursed in a low voice, the figure retreated quickly, pulled out the long whip around his waist with one hand, knocked down the flying stone, and then aimed at the five fingers that Yun Qinghong had grabbed to whip away .

Yun Qinghong smiled coldly, flew up, the long sword twirled in front of his chest, and slashed at Nangong Xueling's long sword.

"Shua shua..." The light of the sword, the long whip was cut into sections by the long sword, and the distance between the two was getting closer.

Before they knew it, the two had come to the edge of the cliff.

"Damn it." Nangong Xueling stood on the edge of the cliff, looked at Yun Qinghong who kept trying to get closer to him, and became angry. Is this going to drive her to a dead end?

Her figure flew up, the dagger in her hand was clenched tightly, and she attacked Yun Qinghong's chest with a fierce aura.

Yun Qinghong dodged and dodged, using both hands in front of his chest to strike Nangong Xueling's body with a touch of internal force, that force was [-]% of his skill.

Nangong Xueling was on the edge of the cliff, so she couldn't make much movement at all. Besides, she didn't have any internal strength, so she frowned, gritted her teeth, and fought hard.

Just as he was about to face off with Yun Qinghong's palm, he suddenly heard loud shouts from ahead.

"Be careful." Li Shang also came to the top of the cliff at this time, watching Yun Qinghong's movements, his heart rose to his throat, and his figure quickly flew towards the place where Nangong Xueling was, almost using his speed to the extreme .

(End of this chapter)

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