The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 622 Shocking the audience 1

Chapter 622 Shocking the audience 1
If it was normal, she would still be asleep at this time, and would not wake up so early.

I have been pregnant for more than eight months, and I have been recuperating in the palace for so many months, and I have gradually formed the habit. Perhaps it is the reason that there are two children in the womb of the first child, and I am a little lethargic.

Mo Wuchen outside the carriage was reading a book so calmly, but Lan Zihan inside the carriage was trying to catch up on sleep.

If others saw it, they would definitely be dumbfounded.

Who has seen someone come to fight with such an appearance, and with such ease.

I'm afraid there is no one else except that Lan Zihan.

Mo Wuchen has no desires and desires, his character is so elegant like a fairy, like a god, and now he sits calmly and looks at his medical skills.

On the other side, Leng Luoyan ran towards the gate of the city, waving his whip, and stopped only six or seven meters away from the gate.

With a calm face, his eyes were fixed on the gate of the imperial capital, his eyes flashed, and he took an oval object from his bosom.

If Nangong Xueling were here, she would definitely recognize that it was a modern grenade.

Leng Luoyan looked at the things in his hands, looked around, and felt very suspicious. The second sister-in-law said that it would be fine just to pull the ring away and throw it towards the gate of the city, but she didn't say what power it was.

Just to say something, when you pull the ring apart, you must throw it out quickly.

He was very puzzled, what is the use of this?

But he also wisely didn't ask. The second sister-in-law must have some use for giving him this thing, and she wouldn't make fun of him during the siege.

The index finger stretched towards the small ring, bent, pulled it, raised the right hand above the head, and threw the thing in the hand at the gate of the city.

"Boom..." There was a burst of bombing in front of him, and the sound shook the sky, spreading far away.

Leng Luoyan froze on the spot just as he withdrew half of his hands, his body was straightened, his eyes were wide open, and he stared in disbelief at the direction of the city gate. Petrified on horseback, like a statue.

The serious expressions on the faces of the 20 troops behind him suddenly collapsed at this moment, their eyes widened, and they looked at the city gate in shock, listening to the sound of the explosion, looking at the scene at the city gate, their mouths opened. Into an O shape, the extent can almost fit an egg.

The 20 troops were also petrified on the spot...

They were shocked!
They were horrified!

They all knew that the concubine gave this thing to King Luo, and they didn't know what it was for.

Now that I have seen it, I know how powerful this thing is.

The look in the eyes is almost crazy worship.

The princess is really too strong...
so perverted...

Then their hearts are overwhelmed at the moment, and they can no longer calm down...
The people against the sky were also stunned in place, their eyes were full of shock and horror, and they couldn't recover for a long time.

That was the boss they admired and respected. As expected, he was as perverted as ever, and this thing could be manufactured.

The fire at the gate of the city suddenly appeared, the smoke and dust billowed, and it was a mess. At this time, a big hole appeared on the originally intact ground. Because it was not close, it was impossible to see how deep the big hole was.

Behind the army, Lan Zihan stood outside the carriage and looked at the scene at the gate of the city. She frowned slightly and shook her head: "The power is worse than I imagined." open. 
Due to time constraints and lack of materials, she only made one.

(End of this chapter)

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