Chapter 624 Start Siege 1
Leng Luoyan looked up at the disappearing figure on the city wall, with a sneer on the corner of his lips, he turned his head and said coldly: "Siege." There is only one thing, and the city gate is not very strong anymore. Bar.

"Come on." The clamor and footsteps of the 20 troops sounded one after another, interweaving into a rhythm, which seemed so abrupt at this moment.

In the imperial capital.

"What did you say?" A roar sounded.Su Yao looked at the soldier in front of him coldly, the veins on his forehead seemed to want to finish him off.

"General, Tianchen's army is attacking, and they are already approaching the city, and they are attacking the city at this moment." The soldier lowered his head and said respectfully, with eagerness and panic in his voice.

"Who is the leader?" Su Yao asked in a deep voice, the last thing to panic at this moment is to keep calm.

The emperor is not in Yuezhuo country now, Tianchen's army came to attack again, it is impossible to defend against it, he must defend Yuezhuo.

But there is still worry in my heart, will it be the King Chen?

The soldier shook his head: "I don't know if that person is the King Chen." He really didn't know, after all, he had never seen the King Chen of Tianchen, and he couldn't recognize him.

"The general understands, pass on the order to gather the army." Su Yao rolled his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice.

No matter who it is, since it is here, it must be ready to fight and defend.

He didn't know if he would win against Shang Yuezhuo head-on, so the most important thing now was to stick to the city gate.As long as they don't capture the city gates and the capital of the Great Golden Emperor, then Yuezhuo can still hold on.

He must send the news to the emperor as soon as possible. If this matter is delayed, there will inevitably be no problems.

Tianchen's prestige and strength are all there, he dare not take it lightly, he has to work hard.

"Yes." The soldier clasped his fists and nodded, then immediately ran out to worry about the troops.

Su Yao took the pen and paper on the table, wrote a note and tied it to the pigeon to send out the room fee, praying silently in his heart, hoping that the emperor would receive it.

"Come here." Su Yao called out.

"General." Two figures running outside the gate half-kneeled respectfully on the ground.

"Go and tell all the officials that Tianchen's army is approaching the city, let them quickly discuss countermeasures." Su Yao ordered in a cold voice, he didn't have any extra time, and now he didn't know what was going on at the city gate, so he had to hurry over.

"Yes, General." The two replied respectfully in unison.

Under the city tower, all the troops of the brigade spun the rope in their hands a few times and then threw it forcefully towards the city wall. The hook was firmly caught, pulled, and quickly climbed towards the city wall.

At the gate of the city, several groups of people pushed the city hammer and hit the gate again and again.

The gate was bombarded just now, and there are already loose traces at this time, as long as it is attacked for a while, it will definitely be damaged.

Leng Luoyan twirled the rope in his hand a few times, checked the direction, threw it towards the city wall, and fixed it firmly.With two legs slapped on the horse, the figure flew up and flew in the direction of the city wall.

Pedal on the wall with both feet, climb up with hands, and quickly swipe towards the top of the city wall.

"Cut off their ropes quickly, pour oil on the fire, and don't let them come up." As soon as Su Yao came, he saw the person who kept climbing up, his eyes widened, and he shouted loudly.

At the same time, the figure flew up and headed towards Leng Luoyan.

(End of this chapter)

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