The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 631 The Heaven-Defying Cultivation Technique

Chapter 631 The Heaven-Defying Cultivation Technique
According to her understanding of Yue Yexie, he has never looked like this before.It has always been that evil and charming appearance, and has always been evil and uninhibited.

Yue Yexie raised her eyebrows: "Looking at Wang Hao's appearance, she doesn't seem to be surprised at all. Then, as the emperor guessed, you made the fireball, right?"

Lan Zihan gave an evil laugh: "So what if it is? So what if it's not? What can you do to me?"

What if she made it?What can he do to her, can he hurt her? 
"Who the hell are you? This is simply not what ordinary people know, and there is no such technique." Yue Yexie narrowed her eyes slightly, locked her face, and asked the doubts in her heart.

The first time I saw her was at the palace banquet, she had a different side, her smart and wise side, and her subtle and decisive methods.

We met again, but it was on that street. They went to the restaurant she opened and drank the unique and unique wine.

He went to check her, ten years of cowardice and bullying.However, after being severely beaten and seriously injured, his personality changed drastically. The agile skill, the wise mind, and the decisive and ruthless tactics are all outrageous. How can the two be confused? These are two people.

He had suspected it before, but he didn't find any evidence or mask. She was indeed Lan Zihan.

But now, he's not sure.

This kind of cultivation method is different from ordinary people, such a heaven-defying cultivation method, if she is really Lan Zihan, then why has she endured more than ten years of bullying without daring to say anything.

What surprised him the most was the scene just now. Even if he saw it with his own eyes, it was hard to believe that there was really fire in this world being manipulated out of thin air.

Appear when you want to appear, disappear when you want to disappear, everything is as you like.

After all, he just saw that she didn't have any movements or strange words, and he didn't know how she used them.

However, he was sure that the fire must have been caused by her.

Lan Zihan sneered: "What is the meaning of Yuehuang, who I am has nothing to do with you, if you really doubt my identity, then go and investigate. The clearer clears himself, I have nothing to say. But, the current The situation doesn't seem to allow you to be distracted in the slightest. Soldiers are approaching the city, victories are familiar, and everything has not yet been decided, so there should be a break."

There is no need to delay for too long, at first she felt that there was no need to use spiritual power.

But now, she has changed her mind.

Why not use such a good thing, but also fight hard, and suffer the pain of losing colleagues.

Just like what Zi Mingfeng said, she belongs to this world, and that spiritual power is inherited from their Zi Shi clan, so why doesn't she use it?
Chaos, chaos in the world has already begun.

Now is the time to unify, it is time to stop the war, it is time to unite the world.

Yue Yexie clenched her hands hidden in her sleeves slightly, her heart was extremely complicated, and she looked at Lan Zihan with her eyes: "For Leng Yichen, can you really do this?"

How can a person do this for another person, fight for him, fight for him, and work together with him.

Lan Zihan raised her eyebrows: "You will know when you really fall in love with a woman." Emotional matters are difficult to explain clearly.

In two lifetimes, she has only loved this once, only experienced this once.

It is very complicated, difficult to understand, and cannot be explained clearly in words. You can only experience it yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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