Chapter 641 Fight hard
For the woman in front of her, she doesn't need words of comfort from others, she doesn't need those.

Therefore, it is better for him to help her give birth to the child as soon as possible.

Lan Zihan took a deep breath, and then let it out forcefully, exhausting all her strength.

But the child just didn't come out, as if punishing her for her negligence and letting them come out early.

At this time, Lan Zihan was no different from a fragile porcelain doll, her skin was like snow, her face was pale without a trace of blood, the beads of sweat were wiped off, and rolled down again, repeating the cycle again and again.

For the three people in the carriage, it was a torment.

As for the people outside the carriage, Leng Luoyan walked back and forth with an anxious expression on his face.

Another hour passed, but the cry of the baby was not heard again, which meant that the second child had not yet been born.

Anxious and invisible, this is really a torment.

"My lord, rest for a while, it's not a solution for you to go back and forth like this." Li Feng looked at Leng Luoyan and said in a deep voice.

He really wanted to say something, his head was almost dizzy when he turned like this.

People who didn't know thought it was his wife who was giving birth inside.

The worries in his heart are needless to say coldly, but they can only wait outside the carriage.

"I'm worried about the second sister-in-law, you said why the child hasn't come out yet, do you think it's more fun to stay in the second sister-in-law's stomach, and it will make a lot of trouble." Leng Luoyan complained, but said in her heart, little princess, hurry up Come out, if you continue to torment the second sister-in-law like this, the second brother will not let you go.

Li Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry; "My lord, who can say clearly about the birth of a child. But there is Doctor Mo inside, and the lord is here, the princess will not be in danger, we just wait patiently outside."

How can having a child be like what he said, wouldn't it be a mess.

Leng Luoyan smacked his mouth, and was about to say something, when he heard a sound coming from a distance, and he looked back.

"Squeak..." The gate of the city that was about to be breached opened at this moment, and the gate moved towards the two sides, revealing the neat soldiers in the city.

"No, they are going to take the initiative to attack." Li Feng also saw it, and couldn't help but said worriedly.

The princess is still in labor, and they can't let her have anything to do.

"As a soldier of Tianchen, I shouldn't back down. Everyone, take up your weapons and rush forward with me to protect the princess and destroy Yuezhuo's soldiers." Leng Luoyan quickly got on his horse, Use your internal strength to spread the sound far away.

"Don't back down, fight the enemy with all your strength." The 20 troops all stood up straight, with serious faces, and firm expressions in their eyes.

Their gods are all here, what are they afraid of, what are they worried about.

In the past, the prince had always led them to the battlefield to kill the enemy, and then there was another princess.

Now that the princess is giving birth, they should stand up bravely to protect her and prevent her from being hurt in the slightest.

This is what they should do as soldiers of Tianchen.

They are also soldiers trained by the princess, and they have also received her teachings. Although they are not taught as against the sky, there is not much difference.

They couldn't let the princess down, and they couldn't let the prince down either.

"Very good, guard against the sky to stay and protect, and everyone else will follow me." Leng Luoyan raised his big hand above his head, and with the same force, he immediately rode forward on the horse.

(End of this chapter)

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