Chapter 643 Roaring Again
Mo Wuchen chuckled, but did not speak, his eyes looked at Leng and frivolous, and there was also a smile in his eyes.

Then he looked at Lan Zihan and said: "Now that my physical strength has recovered, I can continue to work hard. The child will be suffocated if he doesn't come out of the body for too long."

Lan Zihan nodded, indicating that she knew, and the pain clearly reminded her that one of her babies hadn't come out yet.

Leng Yichen put Leng Qingkuang on the soft couch beside him, hugged Lan Zihan and said softly: "It will be fine soon, hold on for a while."

Off the field, Yue Yexie led Yue Zhuo's 30 troops to confront Leng Luoyan.

He looked at Leng Luoyan and smiled evilly, and said indifferently, "This time, the emperor will not stay any longer. Life and death depend on fate, so I can do it myself." After speaking, he waved his hand, and all the soldiers behind him moved into action, facing Tianchen The army ran away.

Leng Luoyan snorted coldly, and ran towards Yue Yexie with the horse rope in one hand and the dagger in the other.

Needless to say, I have already stated my position.

Yue Yexie sideways, dodged his dagger, then sat up straight and swung his sword towards Leng Luoyan.

Leng Luoyan slapped the horse's body with both feet, and then flew up. His figure spun in mid-air, attacking the moonlight that was coming upwards.

"Zizi..." The long sword collided with the dagger, sparks were sparked, and there was a friction sound, with a hint of charm, as if encouraging the two of them.

The two were fighting in mid-air, and it was the same situation below.

All the soldiers were calm, waving their long swords and attacking the enemy.

A soldier inserted the sword in his hand into the opponent's abdomen, and then his back stiffened, and a long sword protruded from his chest, which was stabbed in the back.

Blood, all that flows on the ground is blood.

It is not clear whether the moon is more cloudy or the sky is more, or the people and horses on both sides are the same.

Yue Zhuo had 30 soldiers to fight, but Tianchen only brought 20 soldiers and horses, losing to Yue Zhuo in terms of numbers.

However, the most important thing is to look at strength.

If Yuezhuo uses the wheel to fight, dragging can also drag the opponent to death.

The 1000 people against the sky surrounded the carriage, and those soldiers who wanted to step forward were ruthlessly obliterated by the daggers.

"Wang Yu, lead 700 people to help, leaving a few hundred people here is enough." Li Feng frowned deeply as he watched the chaotic scene.

Keeping too many people is not good for this side, their number is already smaller than that of Yuezhuo.

"Yes." Wang Yu nodded in a deep voice, and then quickly led 700 people towards the chaotic battlefield.

The dagger flashed out, attacked, drew the knife, wiped the throat, and the movements were done in one go, harvesting lives one by one.

What they train is to kill the enemy with one move. This is the best way to fight.

The outside of the car was in a melee, but inside the car, there was a strong smell of blood filling the nose, as well as the oppressive atmosphere.

Lan Zihan leaned her head against Leng Yichen's arms, her small hands tightly grasping his big hands, her knuckles turned white, beads of bean-sized sweat dripped down one after another, her teeth were clenched tightly, and the pain in her abdomen became more and more intense. The more intense it almost made her faint.

"Put harder, and the child will come out soon." Mo Wuchen said in a deep voice.

Lan Zihan panted heavily, her chest heaved violently, took a deep breath, her body froze, her nails sank into Leng Yichen's flesh: "Ah..."

(End of this chapter)

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