Chapter 665 Self-abuse
Li Shang, where did you go?

Lan Zihan's heart moved slightly, seeing the grief on her face and the wry smile on the corner of her mouth, she frowned: "Did you find it in Nanban?"

She couldn't see the people around her making such a tragedy.

Ye Feiyu shook his head and said in a deep voice: "I didn't find it, I didn't find anything. I almost turned over the bottom of the cliff several times, and Xueling jumped down from the bottom of the pool to look for it several times, but nothing was found."

Because of this, they gave up looking for Li Shang in Nanman, he was definitely not there anymore.

"Is there something wrong with your body?" Lan Zihan asked while listening to Nangong Xueling, frowning.

It's cold winter now, not to mention the pool water that doesn't see the sun, it must be a bit cooler than the usual lake water, so she just jumped down like that, can her body bear it?

"It's okay." Nangong Xueling shook her head, her eyes fixed on Lan Zihan, with a look of hope in her eyes: "Zihan, can you find Li Shang?"

She didn't know if Lan Zihan could find it or not.She didn't know if she had that strength, but she still wanted to ask.

Lan Zihan felt a little serious in her heart, what should she say?She didn't have much confidence, after all, she wasn't there at the time, and she didn't know much about the situation at the bottom of the cliff.

"Is there no hope?" Nangong Xueling's bright eyes suddenly dimmed, and the wry smile at the corner of her mouth became more and more obvious.

There was a burst of severe pain in the heart, it was so bitter...

Li Shang, are you punishing me?

I would rather hope that you would appear in front of me alive than the current situation.

Lan Zihan calmed down slightly, looked at Nangong Xueling and said in a deep voice: "What is hopeless? If you haven't found someone else, you can't tell whether something happened to him. Didn't you go look for it yourself? Without him dead body, that means he is still alive, probably still alive."

Nangong Xueling was slightly stunned, she also knew this reason, so she came out and did not stay in Nanman anymore.

Lan Zihan's voice gradually became cold: "Because he fell off the cliff to save you and got into an accident, that's why you see yourself clearly, and that's why you blame yourself, and that's why you want to torture yourself, isn't it?"

After a pause, she sneered: "This kind of Nangong Xueling is not as frank and straightforward as I just met, and she is not afraid of anything. What are you trying to do by showing me this image now? Are you looking for pity? Or sympathy? "

"If Li Shang finds out, do you think he will be happy? Do you think he will be happy? Comparing your heart with your heart, you should understand better than anyone else. You should know that weakness is of no use to people like us. So, continue to abuse yourself like this , I don't guarantee that Li Shang will appear in front of you."

The cold sentence, every word punishes the heart.

Ye Feiyu frowned, but still didn't bother, he believed that Lan Zihan must have his reasons for doing so.

Leng Yichen and Mo Wuchen didn't have any emotion on their faces, they both knew what Lan Zihan was like.

Nangong Xueling's body was slightly stiff, her fists clenched tightly, but she didn't refute.

She saw it, so she saw it all.

She didn't rest for several days and nights, after being baptized by the cold pool water, she kept on going without resting for a moment.

She didn't dare to sleep, she was afraid of dreaming about the scene where Li Shang had an accident and fell off the cliff.

Likewise, you are punishing yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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