Chapter 669 The Lovely Hibiscus

Before she even said it, this person has already vetoed what she was going to say, can you be more godly?
Lan Zihan rolled her eyes; "What you're thinking, it's all on your face, I don't want to find out."

Nangong Xueling rolled her eyes and touched her cheek: "Is it so obvious?" Probably not, although her emotions are not as good as Lan Zihan's, but they are not bad.

Lan Zihan spread her hands: "Well, obviously."

Nangong Xueling stared at Lan Zihan: "Are you really going to be angry? I haven't seen Wuchen's emotions fluctuate greatly about anything."

Will Mo Wuchen be angry?She really wanted to see what kind of scene it would be.

However, she also knows that some jokes can be played casually, and some things have to be stopped at a certain level.

Don't touch other people's negative scales, don't touch other people's bottom line.

"Wait, when his other half shows up, his mood will naturally fluctuate." Lan Zihan looked at Nangong Xueling playfully and said.

After a pause, he said, "However, it should be far away, just wait."

They really had no idea about Mo Wuchen's other half, and they didn't know when a beautiful woman would appear by his side.

But judging by the current situation, it will still take a long time.

Nangong Xueling pinched Feng Jin's cheeks, and said with a smile: "He is really a unique man in the world, peerless elegance, unparalleled appearance, elegant and dusty, like a banished fairy, such an excellent man really can't guess what he will be like in the future. Which woman can stand by his side."

This matter cannot be predicted or guessed, so we can only wait.

If you are destined, you will see it.

Missed, worth mentioning.

"Giggle..." Feng Jin cracked open her small cherry mouth and laughed happily, the smile on her face was very bright, and her star-like eyes became even more dazzling.

"Xiao Fengjin is really loving. Seeing that the godmother is so happy, come and give me a reward." Nangong Xueling looked at Leng Fengjin's pink and tender face, and leaned forward to peck her on the cheek.

Lan Zihan on the side smiled without saying a word, seeing the frivolity in her arms, her heart softened.

Five days were spent like this, Nangong Xueling chatted with Lan Zihan in the carriage all day, while Leng Yichen and the others led the army forward outside the carriage, at a very slow speed.

In five days, everyone finally arrived at Tianchen and returned to their place.

Because Leng Yichen had already sent the news to Leng Yufeng, the city gates were not surrounded by the city residents, and they didn't know that today was the day when King Chen and Princess Wang returned.

After learning about it, Leng Yichen and his party were already in the Prince Chen's Mansion.

When Xia Yiyu learned that Lan Zihan had given birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix twins, she insisted on going out of the palace to visit Prince Chen's mansion.

Leng Yufeng was reluctant at first, because her body might be about to give birth at some point, so she had to guard it carefully.

But he couldn't bear her expectant look, so he could only sigh and follow her, and took her out of the palace to Chenwang Mansion to wait.

"Hoho..." There was a roar of tigers outside, and the voice seemed to be full of excitement and excitement.

Leng Yufeng glanced outside, turned his head to Xia Yiyu and said with a smile; "It should be Yichen and his siblings who are back."

"En." Xia Yiyu nodded with a smile in her eyes.

"Hehe..." Feng Jin looked at the Tiger King with a smile on her face, her silver bell-like laughter infected everyone in the mansion, and she was in a very happy mood.

(End of this chapter)

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