Chapter 679
"Okay." Lan Zihan nodded, then turned to look at Leng Yichen.

Leng Yichen smiled dotingly: "Let's go together and bring the two little guys along. If they can't come in person, they will take the two little guys along."

He didn't forget that Jiulan Yunbo said that he would come back to see Lan Zihan before she gave birth.

Now that something like this has happened, they probably don't have extra time to come out.

Well, they just take the two little guys there.

"Well, good." A smile flashed across Lan Zihan's phoenix eyes.

"Second brother, second sister-in-law, don't worry, I will help Brother Dahuang take care of Tianchen, so I won't go with you." Leng Luoyan spoke at the right time.

It is unnecessary for him to go, so he will not go there.

The elder sister-in-law gave birth to a prince, and the emperor's brother must be too busy. As a younger brother, he should help them share some of the burden.

"Okay." Lan Zihan nodded and smiled, Luo Yan has really matured and grown a lot compared to before.

"Yichen, younger siblings, pay more attention to yourselves, I won't talk nonsense, nothing will happen here." Leng Yufeng looked at Leng Yichen and Lan Zihan and said in a deep voice.

"En." Leng Yichen looked at Leng Yufeng and nodded.

He has always believed in his strength.

Immediately set off, the speed of the group was also very fast. After simply packing up some necessary items, they were already on the road and set off in the direction of the Blood Palace.

The cold wind is blowing, and the chill is coming. This winter, whose heart has been cooled, and whose love has been cooled...

In the palace of blood.

In the antique room, the monotonous and elegant room, the window sills are all entangled by the flower vines outside the window, and the slightest fragrance flows in the room.

"Wu Chen, is Shang'er feeling better?" Hua Xiyan sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Li Shang lying on the bed, feeling a burst of worry.

Pale and bloodless cheeks, the whole person looks so weak and fragile, as if the wind will blow away.

Her heart was filled with sadness, Li Shang and Mo Wuchen were both raised by her, and she was very clear about how they behaved and how they handled things.

When someone reported to Jiulan Yunbo that Li Shang was found at sea, she still didn't believe it.

After all, Li Shang did not return to the Blood Palace, nor did he send any news to them.

However, when they saw that Li Shang was dying, his face was pale without a trace of blood, and his breathing was frighteningly weak, they panicked.

They all regard Li Shang as their relatives, what happened to this appearance?
Could it be that the war outside has begun?Was Li Shang injured during the war?
All his martial arts were learned in the Blood Palace Middle School. Although he is not invincible, there are few people who can beat him.

Because he was worried about the situation in the outside world, he also sent a message to Mo Wuchen.

They sent the best imperial doctor in the Blood Palace to check on Li Shang's condition, but the person who came told them that the injury was too serious, the internal injuries had already damaged the internal organs, and their lives were in jeopardy.

How could they see that something happened to Li Shang, how could they let something happen to him.

On the third day, Mo Wuchen rushed over and immediately sought treatment for Li Shang, but the words he said were almost the same as those of the imperial doctor.

The internal injury is too serious, I don't know what to do, life may be in danger at any time, and a solution must be found as soon as possible.

Mo Wuchen also told them why Li Shang was injured.

They would not blame the woman, if it were them, they would definitely do the same.

(End of this chapter)

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