The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 684 Twin Mandala Blossom 1

Chapter 684 Twin Mandala Blossom 1
Nangong Xueling caressed Li Shang's cheek with her small hand: "I see my heart clearly, but you don't give me a chance to tell, you can't treat me so cruelly, you have to give me a chance."

"Do you know, seeing you as fragile as a broken porcelain doll, falling off a cliff like a kite with a broken string, my heart is in my throat, almost popping out."

"Looking at the abyss, I was completely panicked. Nervousness, fear and dread, all kinds of emotions filled my heart and couldn't be erased."

"Severe pains hit my heart, and I didn't see my heart clearly until that moment. It turns out that you have already entered my heart, but I have kept my feelings closed, and no one can see Clear, I can't see clearly."

"I searched for you at the bottom of the cliff for several days and nights, but I found nothing, and found nothing. I searched for you in four lakes, but I didn't find you. You evaporated like air in the world. gone."

Looking at Li Shang's unresponsive face, Nangong Xueling seemed to have fallen asleep quietly, with a wry smile on the corner of her mouth: "I'm afraid I won't find you, I've been helpless before. I don't know where to find you , I was terrified. I was afraid that something would happen to you, and I couldn't sleep all night. All I dreamed were the scene of you falling off the cliff. Li Shang, how could you be so stupid, how could you give so much for me, how could..."

Li Shang still didn't respond, the only sound in the room was Nangong Xueling's echo, her voice alone.

The tone is so bleak and sad...

After Lan Zihan and his group left the room, they went directly to the hall.

"Wuchen, to be honest, will something happen to Li Shang?" Lan Zihan asked with her phoenix eyes narrowed, looking at Mo Wuchen seriously.

On the note, he didn't make it very clear, he just said that the situation was urgent, and he was afraid that there would be danger at any time, and his life was hanging by a thread.

She didn't know the chances of curing Li Shang, whether she could heal Li Shang, whether she could restore him to his previous state and play around wantonly.

Mo Wuchen looked at Lan Zihan and said in a deep voice: "After developing your medicine for a few days, the general medicinal ingredients have been determined, and the last one is needed. If the development is successful, there is a great chance that his body will recover."

His tone paused, and there was a trace of solemnity in his words: "It's just that I have only seen that medicinal material in ancient books, and I have never seen it anywhere, so..."

The meaning is self-evident, it can be cured, but the success rate of finding medicinal materials is not high, he has been searching among medicinal materials, and he has never seen any strange medicinal materials, any strange flowers and plants.

How precious is a medicinal herb that he has never seen before?

"What kind of herb is it?" Lan Zihan frowned.

"Twin mandala flowers." Mo Wuchen looked at Lan Zihan and said in a deep voice.

Lan Zihan frowned, twin mandala flowers, commonly known as the other shore flower, are also manjusawa.

But the twin mandala flowers are one black and one red, but the flowers of two different colors grow on the same flower path, blooming coquettishly and beautifully.

There are red manjusawa blooming everywhere in the blood palace, where have you seen black ones?It also needs two petals to grow on one flower path, which has never been seen before.

"What does internal injury have to do with this flower? This flower is not for saving people." Lan Zihan stared at Mo Wuchen with her phoenix eyes, and said what she was most puzzled about.

(End of this chapter)

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