The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 686 All dispatched, a cold place

Chapter 686 All dispatched, a cold place

You can't look for it in a daze, it's a waste of time.

"A cold place." Mo Wuchen said in a deep voice with half-closed eyes.

This kind of flower grows in cold places, different from the Manjusawa in the Blood Palace. Although they are both equally rare, they are more common than Twin Mandala.

Everyone is silent. Is there such a place in the Blood Palace?
This is a paradise, a fairyland on earth, how can there be such a cold place?

However, if you go to a place other than the Blood Palace to search, you simply don't have that much time.

The Blood Palace knows a little more, maybe you can look for it in those remote and unexplored places.

Now that things are up, the only way to do this is to search for it first, and not to let go of any place.

"It's not too late, let's act now. Look for it in several ways, disperse all the people in the Blood Palace, and don't miss any place." Lan Zihao frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice.

The more they stay in Lishang, the more danger they have to do now is to race against time.

"Okay." Everyone nodded in unanimous agreement.

Jiulan Yunbo directly passed the order down, and soon the brigade began to mobilize.

Each pair consists of more than five people, and they start and go towards a place, which can be said to be a carpet search.

"Chen, let's look for it too." Lan Zihan looked up at Leng Yichen and said.

"Okay." Leng Yichen nodded without any objection.

Li Shang had originally happened in his field, and he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, because he was too careless.

Now that their lives are in danger, they can't just sit here and wait for the news.

One more person goes out to look for more hope.

There was complete turmoil in the Blood Palace, a large number of people were constantly searching back and forth, pointing out outlying places, places that had never been visited, places that were sparsely populated, in short, no place was missed.

Big and small cold winters also went in, and the quiet atmosphere in the woods in the mountain suddenly became lively.

Visible people and horses everywhere are searching earnestly, cheering up.

That was their Young Master Li Shang, they all lived together and knew each other.

Everyone knew Li Shang's temperament very well, and no one wanted him to have an accident, so there was no freshman in the places he passed by, and there was no slack in his eyes, and his eyes were full of seriousness.

Lan Zihan and his group walked to high places, especially looking at the edge of the cliff, or going into any cave along the way to avoid loopholes.

Jiulan Yunbo was not with them, he was going to come, but was rejected by Lan Zihan.

There are enough of them, although his martial arts and strength are all there, but she doesn't want him to work too hard.Besides, they had just met Qingkuang and Feng Jin, so they directly threw the two little guys to him and Hua Xiyan to take care of them.

That way, they won't be so worried.

It's winter now, and it's cold everywhere.

Leng Yichen held Lan Zihan's little hand tightly with his big hand, giving her warmth.

Lan Zihan looked up at Leng Yichen and smiled, but didn't say anything.She is not cold, but she enjoys this kind of life and the warmth Leng Yichen gives her.

"Zihan, have you ever seen where this modern flower grows?" Nangong Xueling asked Lan Zihan while walking, her eyes never letting go of a place around her.

"No, I never pay attention to these things, I don't have the time." Lan Zihan shook her head, how could she have time to pay attention to these things.

(End of this chapter)

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