Chapter 69 Her Fury 2
But Leng Yichen, who had been staring at her, saw it, and so did the thousands of dead men.

She slowly raised her right hand, and in an instant, the wind blew up and the surrounding vegetation flew across. The weather that was originally good turned red at this moment, and the fire suddenly appeared.

A ball of flame suddenly appeared from her hand, and the flame grew bigger and bigger. In just a few seconds, it had already formed a huge fireball.

She laughed a few times in a low voice, shaking her heart and soul, like a god of death from hell.

With a wave of his right hand, the fireball in his hand instantly dispersed into countless small flames, rushing towards the group of dead soldiers.

The sky is full of flowers and rain, so spectacular, but it is also the most dangerous.

As soon as the flames touched his body, in the blink of an eye, a whole person was instantly reduced to ashes and dissipated in the air.

The dead men opened their pupils sharply, looking at the woman in mid-air, surrounded by flames all over, bloodthirsty red eyes, cold and fresh, and the innate arrogance and domineering in the brows made them daunting.

A ridiculous thought floated in my heart, she is not human.
But, how is this possible.They didn't even understand to death what was going on with this sudden change. 
Seeing these thousands of dead men slowly turn into ashes, Lan Zihan smiled coldly.

Seeing Xi Lei who came quickly and one step ahead of the signal, Xi Dian froze in place, his pupils dilated, and looked at the princess floating in mid-air in shock.

When they arrived, they happened to see the scene of Lan Zihan burning these thousands of dead soldiers. They were horrified and shocked, and then they were full of respect and admiration.

They didn't think about why she manipulated the fire out of thin air, they didn't have doubts, they only had one belief, that the princess was just like the prince, they were just the ones they wanted to protect and follow, that's all.

Beside the two of them, Ying came one step ahead of them. At this time, he was also full of disbelief and shock, staying where he was and did not move forward.

He is Leng Yichen's shadow, the person who has been by his side all the time, hunting today, the prince specifically told him not to follow him, to protect the emperor.

However, at the moment he saw the signal launch, he summoned Shadow, and still rushed over. He was worried about his master, if the situation was not urgent, the master would not have sent the signal.
But seeing this scene, he was really shocked.

At the same time, on the other side, Ye Feiyu and Leng Luoyan were hunting deep in the forest, and when they saw the signal from the sky, they also rushed over.So keep all this in mind.

Leng Luoyan froze in place, his mouth opened into an O shape, oh my god, what did he see, the second sister-in-law can control fire, so amazing.

His eyes are getting hotter and hotter. He must learn from his second sister-in-law, who is his idol.

But Ye Feiyu next to him was shocked, but looked at the person in midair with complicated eyes.

The dark guard, who was one step behind them, only saw the blood pupil in mid-air, and saw nothing about the rest.

However, this was enough to shock them, the princess' eyes were actually red.

Ying stepped forward quickly, knelt down in front of Leng Yichen, and said in a respectful and remorseful tone, "Master, Ying is late."

At this moment, Xi Lei and Xi Dian, who were stunned in place, also came to their senses. They strode up to Leng Yichen and knelt down on one knee: "My lord, my subordinates are late."

Those hidden guards also quickly came to the side of the few people, knelt down on one knee, and said in a loud voice: "This subordinate is late, please punish me."

Leng Luoyan and Ye Feiyu also flew over immediately and stood in front of him.

Ye Feiyu looked at his forehead, his face was a little pale, his brows were tightly frowned, and his tone was serious: "Yichen, you are hurt."

Leng Luoyan also noticed it, and asked nervously, "Second brother, is everything okay?"

Leng Yichen didn't answer them, but frowned, his voice was cold and majestic: "Get up, what I saw today, I don't want to hear from others again."

(End of this chapter)

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