Chapter 698 Li Shang Woke Up
The long and curly eyelashes flickered, and the pair of eyes that had not been opened for a long time finally lifted slowly at this moment, but then closed them quickly, the white light was too dazzling, and he hadn't seen the light for a long time, it must be Not suitable.

Zhang Zhanghe repeated this several times, those beautiful pupils finally opened, blinked their eyelashes, and looked at the ceiling of the room with a trace of bewilderment in them.

After a few seconds, he finally realized that this is his room, and this is the Blood Palace.

Just, why did he come here?
Consciousness gradually returned, and the memory swept in like a tide...

He still remembered that he was slapped by Yun Qinghong in order to save Nangong Xueling, fell off the cliff, and then lost consciousness.

Now in the Blood Palace, he must have been saved by Wuchen.

So, what happened to Xue Ling?

He sat up and looked out the window, his whole body was stiff and stiff, and he didn't know how long he had slept.

Just as he was about to get up, he felt his left hand being held behind his back. He turned his head to look, but when he saw the person beside him, he froze.

Looking at the beautiful face next to him, looking at the familiar face, he was in a trance, and he couldn't see whether it was reality or illusion.

The big hand caressed Nangong Xueling's cheek, and the scorching temperature told him that all this was real, not a dream.

I was relieved, as long as she was fine.

The corners of her lips curled up, looking at her quiet face, she felt soft in her heart.

Even if he can't have it, looking at it like this, he will feel at ease and satisfied.

However, he ignored one point from beginning to end, that is, why Nangong Xueling fell asleep in his room.

Perhaps it was the reason why he had slept for so long, and he hadn't thought of this until now.

As if telepathic, Nangong Xueling frowned slightly, her long eyelashes fluttered, and her eyes slowly opened.

When she looked at the handsome face in front of her, her body stiffened slightly, and she froze in place.

"Sturdy girl, you're awake." Li Shang watched Nangong Xueling wake up and said with a smile.

Nangong Xueling stared fixedly at that face, the delicate and lovely baby face, beautiful eyes, high nose, thin lips, and a smile in her eyes.

My heart tightened slightly, my eyes were flushed, and the crystal liquid in my eyes could no longer hold back, and fell down.One got up and hugged Li Shang, hugged him tightly, and never let go.

This is the person she misses day and night, this is the person who loves him like her life, this is the person she loves equally, her Li Shang finally came back, finally woke up, and was finally okay.

"Sturdy girl, what's the matter with you?" Li Shang originally wanted to tease her, but seeing her abnormal expression and the crystal liquid slipping from the corner of her eyes, her heart suddenly throbbed. What made her so sad, made that strong woman shed tears.

When Nangong Xueling heard that familiar voice, the tears in her eyes were like a flood that had opened, and it was out of control.

It seemed that he wanted to vent all the fright, hesitation, helplessness, and sadness he had endured for more than a month at once.

As long as it is a person, as long as it is a person with feelings, then there will be weaknesses and fragile sides.

This is true even for the strongest of people.

Just like in front of her eyes, she Nangong Xueling is domineering, with a fiery and direct personality, and she is straightforward on weekdays.

(End of this chapter)

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