The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 700 Adding a great-grandson 2

Chapter 700 Adding a great-grandson 2
The matter of holding his great-grandson is still secondary, there are two here, and he is not in a hurry, what he thinks is when Wuchen will have a home, and he will no longer be alone.

Now that Li Shang has someone he loves, and the relationship between the two is determined, only Wu Chen is the one who worries him.

His temperament has no desires and desires, and he has never seen him be impatient in this regard.

Lan Zihan caught a glimpse of Jiulan Yunbo staring at Mo Wuchen, her phoenix eyes rolled, and she knew it.

This kind of thing is not something they can think about, everything depends on Mo Wuchen himself.

Looking at his appearance of wanting nothing, this matter is not far off.

Mo Wuchen looked at the medical book and noticed two gazes, and raised his eyes to look at them in puzzlement.

Everyone shook their heads helplessly, they were as smart as him, but they were stubborn about emotions and didn't understand.

Mo Wuchen frowned slightly, seeing that there was no words in the hall, and he stopped looking at the few people, and continued to read the medical books.

The sound of footsteps came from outside the hall. Everyone in the hall is such a master. They have already noticed that someone is approaching here.

Two figures carrying each other walked in, with smiles on their faces and radiant faces.

Lan Zihan looked at Li Shang and whistled: "Really fast, I ate a big meal as soon as I woke up." This benefit is good.

Li Shang raised his chin, his cute baby face was full of smiles, he raised his eyes to look at Lan Zihan: "Cousin, don't bring someone like you, I just woke up."

The meaning is obvious, don't bully patients.

Nangong Xueling had already told him most of the things after his accident. He didn't expect that he would sleep for so long, no wonder his whole body was very stiff after waking up.

At the same time, I feel sorry for Nangong Xueling.

Even if she didn't say it, he knew how painful it was for her these days.

Nangong Xueling's expression froze slightly, and a trace of unnaturalness flashed across her face, but it disappeared quickly. Everyone knew it, so why hide it.

However, the hand holding Li Shang moved back unconsciously, slid towards his waist, and pinched hard.

The warning is obvious.

Last night, she woke up several times in the middle of being tormented by Li Shang. When she woke up, her whole body was sore.

Li Shang turned his head to look at Nangong Xueling, his eyes were full of indulgence and indulgence, and the smile on the baby's face was so gorgeous and charming.

Who are the people in the hall, they didn't miss the action of the two, and there were smiles in their eyes.

It's good to be together, after so much, we are finally together.

Nangong Xueling glared at Li Shang, but felt warm in her heart.

He stepped forward and hugged the frivolous in Lan Zihan's arms, and said with a smile: "Little frivolous, do you want to be a godmother, come and kiss me." After speaking, he kissed frivolously on the cheek.

Frivolously turned his head with a small face, arrogantly ignored Nangong Xueling, as if saying, don't make any moves.

Nangong Xueling's eyes twitched, she turned her frivolous face, and said with a smile: "Little frivolous, it's impolite, good boy, godmother's saliva is very clean."

He frivolously glanced at Nangong Xueling, there was no fluctuation in his dark eyes like ink, he didn't understand anything, he just turned his head arrogantly again, ignoring Nangong Xueling.

That appearance is all about saying, I won't turn my head away, what can you do with me.

Nangong Xueling was very calm, she turned her frivolous head once again, and said seriously: "Turn your head away again, and you will never want to marry a wife in the future. If you see one, I will chase the other away. How about you?"

(End of this chapter)

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