The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 705 Playing Frivolous Ideas 2

Chapter 705 Playing Frivolous Ideas 2
Even Mo Wuchen put down his medical books today and quietly closed his eyes to enjoy the comfort of this moment.

The golden light sprinkled on his face, casting a ray of holy light on his face, which was already as graceful as a celestial being, like a god descending from the mortal world, beautifully out of the dust.

Feng Jin was lying next to Lan Zihan, both of them were covered with a blanket, Xiao Feng Jin was sleeping deeply, with a look of enjoyment on his face, sleeping comfortably.

Lan Zihan was also feigning sleep with her eyes closed, it was really a long time since she had such a leisurely day.

Sunbathing at this moment reminded her of her own scene in the 21st century, the corners of her lips were slowly raised, her expression was lazy, she yawned and continued to sleep.

On the soft couch beside her were the father and son, Leng Yichen and Frivolous, who looked five points alike.

Lying frivolously and quietly in Leng Yichen's arms, breathing evenly, sleeping comfortably and contentedly with a smiling face, her little hand unconsciously grasped Leng Yichen's big hand.

Leng Yichen looked at the frivolous and quiet face, slightly raised the corners of his lips, poked him lightly on the face, and closed his eyes, enjoying the tranquility at this moment.

There are two father and son, one big and one small, with similar faces and the same charm between the eyebrows. It is beautiful and harmonious, and it is a very loving picture.

Li Shang and Nangong Xueling were also lying on the soft couch, with expressions of enjoyment on their faces.

So leisurely, so comfortable, it really has never happened before.

Five peerless faces, plus two jade-carved children, are really extremely beautiful.

The breeze blows by, curling the hair that hangs down, dancing with the wind.

Nangong Xueling opened her eyes, turned over, took the wine beside her, took a sip, and said comfortably, "Zihan, did you often go to the beach before?"

She likes this kind of life, and she likes this atmosphere even more.

Lan Zihan didn't open her eyes, but lazily replied: "Well, not very often, but I have been there many times."

She likes to enjoy the sea breeze at the beach, breathe the smell of sea water, and look at the endless sea, and her mood will become calm.

However, there is no need to be at the beach now, she has Leng Yichen's company, which is more useful than anything else.

"It's a pity, the current season is not suitable, otherwise I would really like to go swimming." Nangong Xueling said with a sigh, with a smile on the corner of her lips.

She also liked swimming before, and often went to the beach.

It's a pity that the current season is not suitable, it is already the season of spring, and it is still chilly.

Lan Zihan chuckled lightly: "You can come anytime you want, it's your own home." Tired of the chaotic world, it's okay to come here for a short stay once in a while.

The environment and atmosphere here are very suitable.

Nangong Xueling's eyes were full of smiles: "Yeah." At home, yes, people here would not treat her as an outsider, and they spoke directly and boldly, making her easy to get along with.

"Cousin, is that the island where the volcano erupted last time?" Li Shang narrowed his eyes slightly, looked in the direction ahead, and asked.

Lan Zihan opened her eyes, followed his gaze, her phoenix eyes narrowed slightly: "Well, yes, what's wrong?"

The scene of that volcanic eruption is still fresh in my memory, and I have not forgotten it.

Maybe it hurt too much, and the movement was too big, so I haven't forgotten it so far.

If I remember correctly, it should be in that direction, at the other end between the former Dark Palace and the Blood Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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