Chapter 717 Full of Moves 1
So, is it staying up late at night?

I have to admire Li Shang's strong willpower and physique.

Nangong Xueling held the wedding dress in her hand, lowered her eyes, they were full of touch and happiness, and there was a little bit of distress.

She and Li Shang seem to be the one who has always paid for her.

No matter what, he arranged it properly and handled it perfectly.

His injury has just healed, but he still does it for her.

The little hand unconsciously clenched the wedding dress in her hand. Did she ignore Li Shang too much?

Even if it is said to be together, even if it is said that we will be together again in the future, we will never leave in this life, and we will only be king for the rest of our life.

However, she was always pampered and hurt by Li Shang, the more she was like this, the more she ignored Li Shang's feelings and his mood.

She and Li Shang were together for almost 24 hours and [-] hours, so when did he design this wedding dress?

Nangong Xueling, are you too selfish, you clearly said you should cherish it, you clearly said you should treat it well, but it's still fine, but Li Shang is still so heartless.

But still let Li Shang's heart worry about gains and losses.

He was afraid of losing her, yes, afraid.

Love is so true, so careful, Li Shang, aren't you tired?

There was a slight pain in his heart, as if he could feel her emotions.

Whether it's the reason for not talking about feelings, but ignoring Li Shang, that's a fact.

Enough is enough, enough is enough, she is no longer a child, she can no longer be so willful.

If you don't protect and cherish the people around you, and don't love Lishang well, then you will be the only one who regrets in the end.

Lan Zihan looked at what Nangong Xueling was thinking with lowered eyes, raised her eyebrows and smiled jokingly: "Hurry up and change, don't make your groom wait too long."

The wedding shouldn't be too long, it's about to start.

The matter between Nangong Xueling and Li Shang will be handled by themselves, and it is inconvenient for outsiders to intervene.

Everyone in the world can see that ever since Li Shang woke up, she has loved Nangong Xueling very much and cared for her meticulously.

That feeling is worrying about gain and loss, fear of losing Nangong Xueling.

Nangong Xueling raised her eyes, with smiles in them, and nodded: "Okay." Her Li Shang is waiting for him, and she shouldn't keep him waiting too long.

Lan Zihan leaned against the window, looking at Nangong Xueling's disappearing back, the corners of her lips slowly curled up, it's good to think clearly, isn't it the same for people who have just experienced love?
We must learn to grow from it, and learn the feeling of being loved and pampered by others, so we must also learn to love others.

People say that love is selfish. If you want to have the love of others, but you don't want to give it yourself, then that is not love at all.

Nangong Xueling is not in that situation, she is the same as her, but she doesn't know how to love, how to love each other.

Time will be the cure, and familiarity will come naturally.

"Does it look good?" Nangong Xueling came out from behind the bead curtain, walked up to Lan Zihan wearing a red wedding dress, and asked with a smile.

It was the first time for her to wear a red dress, and it was her wedding day when she wore it, and it was still a wedding dress.

Lan Zihan looked at her, and a gleam flashed in her eyes: "It's beautiful, the sun is like fire, that's what I said." She in red is more charming than blue.

The whole body seems to be surrounded by golden light, and the red clothes are like fire.

(End of this chapter)

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