Chapter 731
It seems that none of the things that happened just now have been tried, it's just the same as usual, there is no difference.

Feng Jin looked at Mo Wuchen in frustration, and blinked her eyes: "Wuchen, I'm telling the truth, why do you think I'm lying."

Feng Jin was very frustrated, and everyone was helpless.

The child is not normal today.

Yes, not normal.

She wouldn't be like this in the past, just joke around, it won't be like today.

Mo Wuchen curled his lips into a smile: "You are still young, you will understand when you grow up."

He is her uncle, there is no way between them,

Besides, he didn't think about feelings.

The matter of feelings is dispensable to him, so there is no need to force it too much.

As for Feng Jin, there will be no result between them, not to mention that he is her uncle, but in other respects, none of them are compatible.

Feng Hibiscus has a seven-apertured exquisite heart, very smart.But after all, I’m still a child, and there’s still a lot I don’t understand.

Therefore, she will know these when she grows up.

A look of disappointment flashed across Feng Jin's starry eyes, and there was a trace of sadness: "So, does Wuchen really dislike me?"

She couldn't understand the truths he said, and she didn't want to guess, she just wanted to know the answer.

Both mother and father taught her that if she wanted something, she had to go for it and get it with her own hands and hard work.

Could it be that she didn't work hard enough?

Mo Wuchen looked at the sadness in her eyes, and felt pity in his heart: "When did Fengjin become so unconfident and pessimistic, you are everyone's happy fruit, so don't let everyone worry about you. When you grow up You will understand when you are young, but no matter what you say now, you still don’t understand.”

In his eyes, she was just a cute and smart child, how could he hurt her, how could he make her sad.

Even now she doesn't understand, even now she is more mature than her peers.

However, after all, he is just a child who has not grown up.

Feng Jin's heart moved slightly, and she looked up at Mo Wuchen: "Wuchen, I don't know what you mean by what you said now, but when you grow up, you must not refuse me again."

The eyes as bright as stars seemed to be filled with light, which frightened everyone's eyes and burned their sights.

She is like a shining star in the starry sky, even more shining than that, people can't bear to hurt her, can't bear to let her down.

"Okay, when you grow up, let's talk about it again." Mo Wuchen nodded, with a smile in his eyes, looking at Feng Jin and said lovingly.

She is still young now, and when she grows up, she will forget about this matter.

She is only five years old, and she still doesn't understand anything, and she has never been exposed to anything.

She has always grown up in the blood palace, enjoying everyone's love and giving, and everything is beautiful.

It is unforgettable now, and after a long time, it will naturally fade away.

Lan Zihan raised her eyebrows and looked at Feng Jin, a complex look flashed across her phoenix eyes.

Her daughter, she knew that her character was exactly the same as hers, and what she believed would not change.

If it was before, she thought she was joking, just talking.

Well, not now.

She was serious, she wanted to marry Mo Wuchen. 
I sighed slightly in my heart, I just hope that I can really forget it in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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