The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 741 4 Little Guys 1 Drama 5

Chapter 741 Four Little Guys, One Drama 5
The small face carved in pink and jade, the delicate, cute, handsome and beautiful face, although he is four or five years old, looks more temperamental and stable than ordinary people of the same age.

There is no childishness that a child should have on his body, and some are calm and calm.

Everyone couldn't help but wonder, whose child is this, who can grow up so well and train him so well.

But to their disappointment, there was no figure in the carriage before walking down, only these four children.

They were curious again, what kind of parents can leave the four children outside so safely, are they not afraid that such a beautiful child will be abducted?
Qingkuan raised his eyes to look at the restaurant, and said in a deep voice: "Today we will stay here for one night first, and we will continue our journey tomorrow."

"Okay." The three of Feng Jin nodded in agreement, without any meaning.

Qingkuan turned to look at the groom, and said in a deep voice, "You stay in the restaurant first, and I will pay the fee. Have a rest for one night, and then send us on the road tomorrow."

They also need this carriage to go to Tianchen.

"Yes." The groom looked at the calm and indifferent face in front of him, and replied respectfully.

Then his expression shook slightly, surprised by his actions just now.

At that moment just now, he seemed to see majesty and arrogance in the boy in front of him, as if he was a person who gave orders and could not be defied.

Shaking his head, this group of children are already very good, how could they be so bad if they can have such excellent parental education.

Today he saw the indifferent black-clothed man hugging the boy in front of him. The black-clothed man exuded a cold aura all over his body, repelling people thousands of miles away, and there was domineering and arrogance flowing between his brows.

It is not difficult to see their identities from their similar faces.

I sighed slightly in my heart, today's children can be so good, there are really capable people in this world.

They just don't know who their parents are.

Qingkuan turned to look at the three of them, nodded, and the four of them walked towards the restaurant.

Everyone who was blocking the road gave way one after another to let the four pass.

The four of them walked into the restaurant, causing another commotion.

With such an exquisite and beautiful face, it is not difficult to see what kind of appearance will be all over the country in the future.

The frivolous four chose a side seat and sat down far away from the crowd.

"My lord, miss, what do you want to eat?" The waiter came over with a smile, looked at the four and asked in a deep voice.

This face is really pleasing to the eye.

"Is there any wine?" Feng Jin looked at the waiter with starry eyes and asked.

She was used to drinking wine in the Blood Palace, and she also liked the taste.

The shop waiter shook his head: "Miss, we don't have the kind of wine you mentioned in the restaurant." I was slightly surprised in my heart, do these children still drink?
How old are they?so precocious?
Feng Jin's starry eyes flashed, and she waved her hand: "Forget it if you don't have any, then let's have some signature dishes in the restaurant, so you don't need to drink."

They drank in the Blood Palace, but they drank wine, and they were not allowed to drink other spirits.

"Okay, guests, please wait a moment, the dishes will be served in a while." The shop waiter nodded with a smile, turned and left.

Feng Jin blinked her star eyes, looked frivolously and asked: "Brother, why is there no wine here?" Didn't mother say that there is also this kind of wine in Disintegration?

(End of this chapter)

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