The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 746 4 Little Guys 1 Drama 10

Chapter 746 Four Little Guys, One Drama 10
The night was as cool as water, full of stars, and the first quarter moon hung high in the sky.

On the street, there is a lot of traffic, and there is an endless stream of people coming and going.

Lanterns were lit everywhere, a bright red color, illuminating the entire street.

In such a lively 7 minutes, there is a unique scenery on the street.

Four pink and jade-carved children were running on the street, all with smiles on their faces, their cute and cold faces caused the people around them to stop and sigh, which could be heard endlessly.

"Brother, hurry up, there are many people putting up lanterns over there." Feng Jin turned her head to look at the situation that was still behind, and couldn't help reminding.

Can her brother slow down?What's the difference between that and other people's walking speed.

Qingxue also stopped, raised her eyebrows and looked frivolously: "If you want to see beautiful women alone, just let us know."

Qingyin covered her mouth and snickered, looked at Qingkuang and blinked her eyes: "Brother Qingkuang, if you are tired, just walk slowly behind, the three of us will go play first."

The contempt in the words is also obvious.

Frivolous rolled his eyes and waved his hands: "You just go, I won't leave you behind."

Who is he?
Cold and frivolous!
How could they not keep up with the speed of the few people? It's just that there are too many people.

He didn't like such a lively atmosphere very much. There were too many people, which made him feel a little irritated.

Feng Jin stuck out her tongue: "Brother, if you lose your footsteps, it would be embarrassing, let's take a step first." After speaking, she turned around with a smile, glanced at Qingxue and Qingyin, and turned to the lively scene on the river bank. place to go.

If you want to talk about why it is so lively today, they really came to the right place.

Today is Chinese Valentine's Day, so those couples or those who are passionate about love have come out, just want to confess their love to the woman they like in person.

Putting up lanterns is also a tradition. I hope that I can find the other half of my life.

If you believe it, there will be nothing.

Even if it is not true, it adds to the atmosphere and joy of today.

Frivolously watching the three petite figures shuttle among the crowd, the corners of his lips curled up, and he also raised his heels, so he would not be lost.

After the four little guys left, two figures appeared where the four of them had just stood.

"The crowd is too crowded, please be careful, don't let the little masters get into trouble." Li Feng looked at the crowded crowd, frowned, and said in a cold voice.

"Don't worry, let's follow up quickly, or you will fall later." Zhi Chrome nodded in a deep voice, his expression was serious and steady.

He has always been very clear about when he can joke and when he can't.

This is the young masters, not some insignificant people.

If something unexpected happened, they couldn't bear it, and their conscience would also be troubled.

These are the children of the two gods they worship, that is to say, like them, they are willing to wait with their lives.

Now, the boss and the prince handed over the four young masters to them. They can't let the boss and the prince down, and they will definitely complete the task.

The figures of the two also rushed towards the disappearing figures of the four together.

The wind has passed without a trace, but the bustle is still there, and the stars are dotted, making this starry sky very beautiful.

At the same time as they disappeared, there were several figures floating in the dark, and they all disappeared in this place.

(End of this chapter)

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