The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 753 4 Little Guys 1 Drama 17

Chapter 753 Four Little Guys, One Drama 17
Everyone around sighed at the cuteness and understanding of this little girl, and then looked at the middle-aged man with contempt.It seems to be saying, you are not as good as a fucking child.

Feng Jin and Qingyin looked at each other with the same look in their eyes.

Under that pure and sweet appearance, there is a dark and strong heart hidden.

Where can the genes of Nangong Xueling and Li Shang be so different?

Besides, with Lan Zihan's training, these four little guys have almost the same personality, each has its own merits, but none of them can escape the black belly.

Only they can bully others, no one can bully them.

The middle-aged man was angry, his eyes were wide open, looking at Qingxue's face, as if he wanted to tear her mask to pieces.

But looking at the crowd staring at him, he shook the aperture, shook his sleeves, turned around and walked away.

If he continues here, he will probably be half-dead from anger.

Not all his faults can become his fault, and it also aroused the surrounding people's onlookers and anger, what else can he say?What else can he do?
Leaving this place of right and wrong is the right answer.

I couldn't help cursing in my heart, damn it, whoever trained such a tough child is simply a disaster.

The Li Shang and Nangong Xueling he was talking about were drinking tea and chatting with Lan Zihan and his party at this time, and they really couldn't hear the curses in his heart.

After the middle-aged man left, the three of Qingxue quickly occupied that position, and it was just right for the three little guys to stand together, so they didn't need to be crowded anymore.

Feng Jin looked at all kinds of beauties on the stage, and the men with different looks on the opposite side, and turned her head to ask a middle-aged man next to her in puzzlement: "Uncle, what are they doing?"

Such a thing had never happened in the Blood Palace, so she really didn't know what these people were doing.

The middle-aged man looked at Feng Jin's shining eyes like stars, and smiled kindly: "They are looking for relatives."

The little girl is really cute, her skin is pink and tender, she doesn't know whose family it is, her temperament is dusty.

Qingyin asked curiously: "Is this how you recruit relatives? What are you doing sitting face to face?"

She heard from her mother that recruiting relatives was not like this. She said that she was going to throw hydrangeas or hold a relative gathering.

Now the scene is really different.

The middle-aged man looked at Qingyin's big, bright and moist eyes, and his lovely appearance. His heart softened, and he introduced to the three of them in detail: "This is the custom here. Women will show their talents, and men will choose among them. If they choose to offer women a unique skill or something they are good at, if the woman agrees, then they can be together."

The three little girls are cute and tight, and they are so temperamental and polite. This is the envy of many people.

If he were the parents of these three little girls, he would be smiling from ear to ear every day.

After all, these three people are irresistible.

Qingyin smiled and nodded: "Well, I see, thank you uncle." His eyes rolled slightly, so it turned out that this was their itinerary for recruiting relatives.

"Aren't your parents here? There are many people here, be careful and don't get separated." The middle-aged man saw that there was no adult around the three little girls, and he couldn't help reminding him.

(End of this chapter)

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