The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 756 4 Little Guys 1 Drama 20

Chapter 756 Four Little Guys, One Drama 20
That white dress was indifferent and soft, unlike the other women who were dressed up in gorgeous fashion, with heavy makeup, her body carried a touch of elegance and tranquility.

Such a woman is obviously the target in the eyes of many men.

The host on the stage watched such a scene with a smile on his face: "Everyone has already performed, now it's my turn to talk about my favorite person."

When his eyes wandered to the white figure, he sighed slightly in his heart.

As soon as these words fell, all the women's faces were flushed with blush and shyness.

"You really know how to pretend, you can go up to perform, how can you be so thin-skinned, looking at that thick powder makes me sick." Feng Jin looked at the performance of the woman's forehead on the stage, and said contemptuously.

This kind of woman can be seen everywhere, unlike the people in the blood palace, all of them are genuine.

Such women annoy her the most, they are all extremely hypocritical.

Qing Yin smiled: "Feng Jin, don't be as knowledgeable as these women, just get used to it." There was also a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

This kind of woman does not exist here, it should be said that there are many.

Who can not pretend?Not hypocritical?Really temperamental?
So far after leaving the Blood Palace, she only finds the woman in white more pleasing to the eye.

Qingxue waved her hand: "The show is about to start, that woman is being targeted." The woman she was talking about was naturally the woman in white.

The woman in white was still immersed in her own thoughts for the first time, not noticing everything around her.

As everyone knows, this kind of her has aroused the man's interest even more.

A handsome-looking man came out, with a fair face and a tall and straight figure, he was considered the most handsome among the men who were taken away.

As soon as such a man stepped out, he immediately became the focus of the stage.

Many women kept secretly looking at him, but they couldn't help being shy, hoping that the man would take a fancy to them.

It seems that most of the women have taken a fancy to this man.

The handsome man ignored the crowd, but walked straight towards the woman in white.

The women looked at the direction of his forehead, clenched the hands in the sleeves slightly, and turned to look at the woman in white, with a look of unwillingness and jealousy in their eyes.

The woman in white lowered her head, staring at the kite in front of her in a daze, not noticing that someone was already thinking about her.

The handsome man stopped in his tracks, squatted down and looked at the woman in white, his lips curled up: "Ruoxi."

The voice was very gentle, as if the woman in front of him was his most cherished person.

The woman in white shook her head, heard someone calling her, raised her eyes to look at the person in front of her, puzzled: "Huh?"

If I heard correctly, he should be calling her.

Bai Liu looked at her, and smiled softly: "Ruoxi, are you willing to be with me?" His eyes were full of infinite doting and tenderness, as if he could squeeze out water.

His family was rich, so he would not attend this kind of marriage gathering. It's just that the woman he likes is here, so he came.

Such a smile, such tenderness and pampering, seemed so beautiful in the eyes of the Japanese woman, her little hands were unconsciously mixed together, her eyes fixed on Ruoxi.

Damn small, cheap, human.How can a poor family be treated like this by Bai Liu.

Jiang Ruoxi almost cursed countless times in her heart, but she couldn't relieve the burning jealousy and fire in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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