The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 762 4 Little Guys 1 Drama 26

Chapter 762 Four Little Guys, One Drama 26
Feng Jin shook her head, stood up and said with a smile, "I'm fine, sister don't worry about me."

How could something happen to it.

She doesn't dislike the woman in front of her, so she really wants to get involved in this matter.

Steward Yan didn't reply to Bai Liu's words, and just waved his hand, signaling that the dozens of Taoists should all take action.

Time can't be dragged on any longer. The longer it is delayed, the worse it will be for them. The more this matter spreads, the face of the Bai family will be ruined a lot.

As everyone knows, everyone has already known about their intentions since they told them when they came, and at the same time, the i-type you summary is to reject and make irresponsible remarks against the Bai family.

There are different opinions and intrigues. The most terrifying thing in this world is the human heart.

A dozen figures flew up and headed towards Ruoxi's direction.

With sullen expression on Bai Liu's face, she flew up and stopped in front of Ruoxi, drew out the long sword at her waist, and shook hands with her.

Ruoxi quickly pulled Feng Jin over, protecting her behind her, fixed her eyes on the dozen or so figures, and then looked at Bai Liu's figure, and sighed in her heart.

"Sister, do you like him?" Feng Jin stood behind Ruoxi, tugging at her sleeve and asking.

Ruoxi smiled wryly, and shook her head: "Children don't understand, Feng Jin, you will understand when you grow up."

There are several kinds of likings, she is not a lover's liking for Bai Liu, she can't give that kind of love to him.

If they could fall in love, it wouldn't be the situation it is today.

Feng Jin blinked her eyes, shook her head and said: "Who says I don't understand, I also have someone I like, and I will marry him in the future. If you like it, you like it, if you don't like it, you don't like it, there is no need to be procrastinating."

She likes Wuchen, it is such a simple and clear thing, so why is it so complicated.

They all said that she was still young, and her current thoughts could not represent her future.

However, only she knows how serious she is.

Ruoxi's eyes froze, and she was slightly stunned for a moment, obviously she didn't expect Feng Jin to say such words, so she sighed slightly in her heart.Why did Brother Bai insist on something that a girl could understand for so long?
On the other side of the stage, Li Feng and Zhi Chrome watched the scene on stage.

But he didn't make a move, he didn't show up.

The boss also ordered that no action be taken until it was a critical moment, and they could handle it themselves.

Therefore, they can only keep an eye on it all the time, and if there is danger, they will attack immediately.

"Tell me, what's so interesting about this wedding ceremony? It's not a group of beauties." Li Feng looked at the girls on the stage, feeling disgusted.

The face is covered with heavy makeup, and Zhao Yan is dressed in a picture-quality manner. He doesn't like such a woman.

If it was a beautiful woman, he would be willing to take a look, but except for the woman named Ruoxi, he really didn't like any of them.

Li Feng gave Li Feng a blank look: "It's not for you to appreciate the marriage recruitment conference, we have a mission, okay? Those ostentatious things have nothing to do with us."

Their task is to protect the young masters, these trivial matters really have nothing to do with them.

Li Feng raised his eyebrows: "You really don't lose interest at all, kid. Didn't you see that the young master is having fun?"

Although what he said is not unreasonable, but.Looking at the current scene, it has nothing to do with their young masters.

The target of those people is only that woman.

(End of this chapter)

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