The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 775 4 Little Guys 1 Drama 39

Chapter 775 Four Little Guys, One Drama 39
If you really want to choose the most violent one, it should be Lan Zihan who is more advanced, okay?

However, he would naturally not say these words now, lest someone who is as good as his fate should settle accounts with him.

Nangong Xueling laughed: "Everyone is a violent child, so stop arguing."

The corners of Li Shang's eyes twitched, very innocent; "Sturdy girl, can I not be violent?"

Where is he as violent as these people, he is still very gentle.

Besides, she said that there is Mo Wuchen in everyone, he is a very non-violent master, no matter how you look at it, he will not have anything to do with violence.

This man is really a man who overturns a boat with one stroke.

Nangong Xueling chuckled lightly: "You have to be seated yourself, I didn't mention you and Wuchen."

Haha, she just casually said whether it's okay or not, she's actually not violent.

Li Shang rolled his eyes and was speechless.

Lan Zihan's eyes were smiling, and she continued to look at the note. When she saw the two people who were eager to make plans for the four little guys, the coldness in her body broke out again, and she snorted coldly: "There are people who are not afraid of death. They wanted to sneak attack on our baby in the dark, but they were intercepted and executed by Li Feng and the others, it was really too cheap for them."

I wondered in my heart, has this guy Li Feng become more gentle, and has become so agile in handling these things, this kind of person should stay and play slowly.

It seems that in the past five years, he has become bad. When he comes back, he must be educated more.

Li Feng, who was far away in the restaurant, was eating, and suddenly sneezed, feeling a chill all over his body.

Zhi chrome on the opposite side rolled his eyes: "Could it be that someone said that they are all coming to you for revenge." This person sneezed for nothing, so uncivilized.

Li Feng snorted coldly: "If I can kill them once, I can kill them a second time."

He wouldn't believe this kind of thing, it's all false, okay?

Besides, what if it is true?Would he still be afraid of them?
Zhi chrome rolled his eyes at him, lowered his head, and continued to deal with the food on the table.

Li Feng frowned secretly, could someone miss him?Otherwise, why would you sneeze for no reason.

How would he know that someone really misses him, but it's not what he thinks.

Li Shang raised his eyebrows: "There are more and more people in this world who are desperate."

In just one day, two swords unexpectedly happened.

While Feng Jin was angry, the other three treasures were probably in the same mood.

There are still people who dare to be greedy for them. If they didn't die too early, he would definitely make their life worse than death.

Sure enough, with violent people, non-violent children will become violent.

Of course, except for Mo Wuchen, that is a strange thing.

Leng Yichen had a different idea from the others. In today's prosperous age, there are still so many wicked people running rampant.

This world, it is time to agree.

When Lan Zihan looked at the last sentence on the note, she shook her head and laughed, her phoenix eyes were full of smiles.

"What's the matter? Seeing how happy you are, could it be that they won the first prize?" Seeing Lan Zihan's appearance, the highly educated cystic couldn't help asking curiously.

He still had a cold face just now, but now it's sunny in the blink of an eye, could something good happen?
The blue purple Han squinted at Nangong Xueling, and smiled mysteriously: "It's more exciting than winning the first prize."

(End of this chapter)

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