The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 790 Four Little Guys Are Here 4

Chapter 790 The Four Little Guys Are Here 3
Feng Jin blinked her eyes, raised her eyes to look around, and looked around, but she really didn't find the figure of that evil man again.

"Strange, why did it disappear so quickly?" He muttered to himself, it was clearly there just now, but it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Qingyin gave Feng Jin a blank look: "Feng Jin, you are not fooling me, are you?" This guy also likes to tease her on weekdays, he always likes to watch jokes, she is used to it.

Feng Jin raised her small hand and said with a face of assurance: "I really didn't lie this time."

How could she lie, there was such a person just now, okay? This guy still doesn't believe her. Is her character so bad?
Qing Yin smiled: "Let's just go, I've never seen a beautiful man before." Their family is all beautiful men, I'm afraid there is no man in this world more beautiful than Wu Chen.

Feng Jin spread her hands: "Well, that's it." It's just a one-time relationship, but I just think that the evil and charming man looks better and has a better temperament.

Li Feng and Zhi Chrome were driving the carriage outside the carriage, listening to the conversations of the young masters inside the carriage, and looking around, there were no evil men, and they didn't pay much attention.

There is no trace of the wind, the breeze blows, the summer wind has a little heat, but it is not that hot.So, they are still in a good mood.

The carriage headed towards the garland of Prince Chen's Mansion, and the streets were still bustling and full of traffic.

After traveling for a while, the carriage finally stopped at the Prince Chen's Mansion.

Both Li Feng and Zhi Chrome jumped off their horses, opened the car windows, and stood aside respectfully.

Frivolous came out first, jumped, and his figure landed firmly on the ground.Then came Fengjin, Qingyin and Qingxue.

Four pink and jade-carved little girls stood in a row, really forming an independent scenery.

The two guards at the gate of the mansion looked at the four children, their eyes lit up, their eyes fixed on the boy, their eyes widened slightly to explain, and then they looked excited and joyful, and hurried forward to salute: "Hi, my lord!" .”

The lord and concubine have already sent an order, the two young masters will return to the mansion within a few days, let them pay attention.

Now, looking at this scene, there are two acquaintances there, they can't judge wrongly, the boy in front of him looks very similar to the prince, as long as you look closely, you can find it.

I couldn't stop sighing in my heart, the little master looks so good-looking.

Nodding frivolously, he said in a deep voice, "Is my mother in the mansion?"

The immature child's voice does have a trace of calmness and composure, unhurried, calm and composed.

Both of them nodded respectfully in unison: "Back to the young master, the princess and the prince are both in the mansion." The temperament of the young master is really not much different from that of the prince, and he is already so powerful at a young age.

"En." Frivolous responded lightly, looked back at Feng Jin and the others, with a smile in his eyes: "Let's go." Mother and the others were inside, and they finally returned to their home.

"Okay." Feng Jin nodded, and the figure quickly ran towards the mansion.

Several people followed closely, and their figures gradually disappeared at the gate of the Prince Chen's Mansion, leaving only the two guards who were in a daze.

Feng Jin entered the mansion, and the petite figure shuttled through it, looking at the surrounding scenery, identifying the direction, the little face was flushed, and the long eyelashes blinked, very cute.

(End of this chapter)

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