The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 797 Training 7 Little Guys 1

Chapter 797 Training the Seven Little Guys 1
Now Shi Tian wants to join, why not?
Multiple people, and nothing.

Besides, she is also willing to teach Shi Tian, ​​to teach them martial arts and self-defense skills, as well as the principles of life.

This is the way they must go.

His eyes turned slightly, he looked at Shi Tian and said: "Tomorrow, Fei Mo and Tian Zong will also be called, and the seven of you will train together."

If you want to teach, just teach it once, and there are many people.

"Okay." A smile flashed across Shi Tian's eyes, he nodded and said with a smile.

Leng Yichen didn't make any movement at the side, but a smile flashed across his deep eyes.

His little guy is the best coach, he's seen it firsthand, and so is everyone else.

Guards, Luo Yan, are all trained by her, she is very good.

At night, the streets have fallen into an atmosphere of silence.

The breeze blows by, bringing a sense of coolness.

The night is as cool as water, full of stars, a good night's sleep.

The next day, golden light flooded the earth, with a warm expression, giving people a sense of comfort.

Leng Yichen, Lan Zihan and his party were having breakfast in the hall when footsteps came from outside the hall, it sounded like they were running over.

Lan Zihan raised her eyebrows, looked out of the hall, two small figures, one green and one blue, ran in and said hello politely.

The two pink and jade-carved little faces were flushed because of running just now, and they were extremely cute. These two were not who Ye Feimo and Leng Tianzong were.

Lan Zihan smiled: "Have you had breakfast yet?"

She didn't expect the two to come so early.

Ye Feimo and Leng Tianzong shook their heads: "No." They came to Chenwang Mansion at this time of appointment, and they were all excited with you.

Lan Zihan asked the maid to bring over two sets of bowls and chopsticks, looked at the two and smiled, "It's still early, let's have breakfast first, otherwise I won't have the energy to train later."

She is not telling lies, if she is on an empty stomach now, then she will definitely lack energy and physical strength after training later.

"Okay." The two nodded, they both had the habit of eating breakfast, and they also listened to Lan Zihan's words, eating something to replenish their energy.

Frivolous eyes like black ink passed over the two of them, their fair skin and handsome and perfect facial features were very cute.The corners of his lips curled into an arc, his mother trained people and would definitely toss them to death, he has a deep understanding and has personally experienced it.

In the dense bamboo forest, rows of bamboos on both sides are neatly arranged, and the golden light shines down, coating the place with a faint golden light.

The breeze blew past, dispelling the heat from the body, making people feel refreshed.

The seven little guys have already taken their positions, occupying a neat row, waiting for Lan Zihan's orders.

In the bamboo forest, apart from the figures of the seven little guys and Lan Zihan, Leng Yichen, Li Shang, and Nangong Xueling, none of the parents of the three little guys came.

In Leng Luoyan's words, it means that they can abuse them however they want, and they have given the full power to Lan Zihan, trusting her strength.

In fact, another point is that they don't want to see the babies in their hands suffer, but these must be experienced, so it will be better for them to stay in the mansion and not watch.

During the training period, the three little guys will live in Chenwang Mansion and will not leave until the end of this period of training.

Lan Zihan held a long whip in her hand, and was dressed in black. Her phoenix eyes showed a calm look, and the corners of her lips curled into a curve, which was so gorgeous that the four little guys who knew it didn't dare to look at it.

(End of this chapter)

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